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Decisions published

16/08/2021 - St Peter's RC Primary School - Review of Intervention ref: 1570    For Determination

Decision Maker: Director of Education and Lifelong Learning

Decision published: 19/08/2021

Effective from: 01/09/2021


AGREED: that


1.     It is noted that, by notice dated 1st July 2021, Estyn has removed St Peter’s RC Primary School from the list of schools requiring special measures;


2.     Pursuant to point 1 above, that the local authority’s grounds for intervention (Ground 8 under section 2 of the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013) have been dealt with to its satisfaction;


3.     It is noted that the additional governors and the chair of governors, appointed and nominated (respectively) under the local authority’s powers of intervention, shall remain in position until 15 January 2023 (the four year maximum) (unless their appointment or nomination is terminated earlier by the local authority).


4.     The exercise of the following intervention powers end: 


(i) suspension of the right of the Governing Body to a delegated budget (pursuant to Section 8 of the SSOW Act 2013).  The suspension to be lifted and the Governing Body’s right to the delegated budget to be reinstated from 1 September 2021


(ii) the direction to the governing body to secure advice or collaborate (with Whitchurch Primary School) pursuant to Section 5 of the SSOW Act.  (This partnership came to an end and is no longer required.)


5. notice of the decisions above is given to the school’s governing body.


13/08/2021 - FEE SETTING STRATEGY FOR DOMICILIARY CARE ref: 1567    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of People and Communities

Decision published: 16/08/2021

Effective from: 26/08/2021


Appendix B of the report is not for publication as it contains exempt information pursuant to the provisions of Schedule 12A Part 4 paragraph 16 of the Local Government Act 1972


AGREED that;


1.     the following pricing envelope is agreed for Domiciliary Care Packages for the new Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the commissioning of such care:


i)        A floor rate of £16.12 per hour and a ceiling rate of £22.72 per blended hour rate whilst making provision for an exceptionality mechanism, which allows Providers to bid outside of the envelope in unusual or exceptional circumstances


2.     any packages of care being delivered prior to the new DPS going live that are below the new proposed floor rate are uplifted to £16.12 from the go live date of the new DPS. This will be expanded to all packages of care, including for any providers who do not join the new DPS but continue to provide care for at least the first 12 months of the new DPS.


3.     an annual review of fee levels taking into consideration the Consumer Price Index and national wage increases and any additional information that comes to light on actual cost of care.



Decision Maker: Corporate Director of People and Communities

Decision published: 16/08/2021

Effective from: 26/08/2021


Appendix 10 of the report is not for publication as it contains exempt information pursuant to the provisions of Schedule 12A Part 4 paragraph 16 of the Local Government Act 1972


AGREED that;


·         the proposed Locality Model of working for delivery of Older People & Mental Health Service for Older People’s Domiciliary Care Services within Cardiff be approved.


·         a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) be established to commission Adult Service Domiciliary Care and Children, Young People and Families  Domiciliary Care and Sessional Support Services and the arrangements for the phased implementation of the new model over 24 months from the Go Live date.


·         The initial duration of the Domiciliary Care DPL for a period of 3 years, with the option to extend for up to an additional 3 years. As such, the contractual arrangements agreed as part of this DPS have a potential expiry date of 3rd November 2027.


·         the approval to proceed with planned pilots to test approaches to Banking of Hours and the Trusted Assessor model prior to the possible authorisation of these models to be sought through a separate report


·         all matters pertaining to the Selection and Award Criteria for the establishment of the DPS


·         the contract monitoring arrangements & introduction of a Provider Quality Score be agreed.


·         the management of existing individual packages of care be undertaken should they become unsustainable under the new arrangements and need to be transitioned to different providers.


05/08/2021 - New council homes at Wakehurst Place, Trowbridge. ref: 1565    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of People and Communities

Decision published: 10/08/2021

Effective from: 20/08/2021


The appendix to this report is exempt from publication because it contains information on the kind described in paragraphs 14 and 21 of part 4 and 5 of Schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972


Agreed: that Hales Construction be appointed as the contractor and a JCT 2016 Design & Build Contract be entered into build 13 new council homes at Wakehurst Place, Trowbridge.

05/08/2021 - ANNUAL UPLIFT FOR RESIDENTIAL AND NURSING CARE HOMES ref: 1564    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults Services, Housing & Communities

Decision published: 10/08/2021

Effective from: 20/08/2021


Appendix B of the report is not for publication as it contains exempt information pursuant to the provisions of Schedule 12A Part 4 paragraph 16 of the Local Government Act 1972


Agreed: that


1.    Residential and Nursing Care Homes for Older People be offered the following financial uplifts:


i)    an overall annual uplift of 2% on the standard cost of care rates for older people care home services (64 years +) for the financial year 2021/22


ii)      In line with the Fee Setting Strategy and this annual uplift, the new standard cost of care rate for Older People Care Homes for the financial year 2021/22 as outlined in this report


iii)     the administration of the annual uplift for existing placements in older people’s care home, aligned with the Council’s agreed cost of care rates and the Fee Setting Strategy.


iv)      the addition of ‘other population’ groups (such as mental health, learning disability and physical disability) placed within Older Person’s Care Homes are supported by the Fee Setting Strategy as outlined in this report going forward


2.      a price uplift (calculated to be 2% ) is applied to:


Residential and Nursing care contracts for Learning Disability, Physical and Sensory impairment, Substance Misuse, and Mental Health, all outside of the Cost of Care exercise for Older Persons. (The uplift does not apply to the Funded Nursing Care element of the contract price which is funded separately by the Cardiff and Vale Health Board).


03/08/2021 - Framework for Disabled Adaptations to Domestic Properties ref: 1563    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of People and Communities

Decision published: 04/08/2021

Effective from: 14/08/2021


This report deals with the second stage of the procurement (the tender stage) of the Framework for Disabled Adaptations to Domestic Properties.


Agreed: that


1.    those organisations identified in Appendix A as being shortlisted and eligible to be taken forward to the next stage of the procurement process be invited to tender.


2.    the invitation to tender documentation, including the evaluation criteria, draft framework agreement and schedules be approved and issued to those organisations identified in Appendix A.


02/08/2021 - Review/Rebrand of Assisted Home Ownership (AHO) Scheme and Overarching Nomination Process for the Scheme. ref: 1562    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of People and Communities

Decision published: 04/08/2021

Effective from: 14/08/2021


The appendices to this report is exempt from publication because it contains information of the kind described in paragraphs 14 and 21 of parts 4 and 5 of Schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972



Agreed: that the proposed changes to the current Assisted Home Ownership (AHO) Scheme be introduced and the scheme be renamed First Homes Cardiff and the policy for nomination of properties through the scheme be updated