Decision details


Decision Maker: Corporate Director of People and Communities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Appendix B of the report is not for publication as it contains exempt information pursuant to the provisions of Schedule 12A Part 4 paragraph 16 of the Local Government Act 1972


AGREED that;


1.     the following pricing envelope is agreed for Domiciliary Care Packages for the new Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the commissioning of such care:


i)        A floor rate of £16.12 per hour and a ceiling rate of £22.72 per blended hour rate whilst making provision for an exceptionality mechanism, which allows Providers to bid outside of the envelope in unusual or exceptional circumstances


2.     any packages of care being delivered prior to the new DPS going live that are below the new proposed floor rate are uplifted to £16.12 from the go live date of the new DPS. This will be expanded to all packages of care, including for any providers who do not join the new DPS but continue to provide care for at least the first 12 months of the new DPS.


3.     an annual review of fee levels taking into consideration the Consumer Price Index and national wage increases and any additional information that comes to light on actual cost of care.


Reasons for the decision:

i)         Support a fair and equitable costing model for Domiciliary Care agencies based on local knowledge and recent national work that highlights the true cost of care for Domiciliary Care


ii)        Ensures all packages of care commissioned on behalf of Cardiff Council are sustainable and supports a financial viable and vibrant Domiciliary Care market


iii)      Put in place a pricing envelope that encourages healthy competition between Domiciliary Care Providers which ensures value for money for the Council, allows the market to identify efficiencies where there are some (e.g. delivering care as part of a pre-existing run of delivery), but also supports the delivery of high quality care and prevents unsustainable levels of bidding for both the Council and the Providers (either too high or too low, respectively)


Publication date: 16/08/2021

Date of decision: 13/08/2021

Effective from: 26/08/2021