Decision details


Decision Maker: Director of Adults Services, Housing & Communities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Appendix B of the report is not for publication as it contains exempt information pursuant to the provisions of Schedule 12A Part 4 paragraph 16 of the Local Government Act 1972


Agreed: that


1.    Residential and Nursing Care Homes for Older People be offered the following financial uplifts:


i)    an overall annual uplift of 2% on the standard cost of care rates for older people care home services (64 years +) for the financial year 2021/22


ii)      In line with the Fee Setting Strategy and this annual uplift, the new standard cost of care rate for Older People Care Homes for the financial year 2021/22 as outlined in this report


iii)     the administration of the annual uplift for existing placements in older people’s care home, aligned with the Council’s agreed cost of care rates and the Fee Setting Strategy.


iv)      the addition of ‘other population’ groups (such as mental health, learning disability and physical disability) placed within Older Person’s Care Homes are supported by the Fee Setting Strategy as outlined in this report going forward


2.      a price uplift (calculated to be 2% ) is applied to:


Residential and Nursing care contracts for Learning Disability, Physical and Sensory impairment, Substance Misuse, and Mental Health, all outside of the Cost of Care exercise for Older Persons. (The uplift does not apply to the Funded Nursing Care element of the contract price which is funded separately by the Cardiff and Vale Health Board).


Reasons for the decision:

Make a fair and equitable investment in service provision within available resources, in order to manage the financial impacts of changing workforce costs and arrangements within the social care sector, including increases in staff wages, CPI and insurance costs


Publication date: 10/08/2021

Date of decision: 05/08/2021

Effective from: 20/08/2021