Mater - penderfyniadau

Cynigion Cyllideb 2017/18 ar gyfer Ymgynghori

06/02/2017 - Cynigion Cyllideb 2017/18 ar gyfer Ymgynghori


Agreed that;


1.            the budget savings proposals as attached at Appendix 2 are approved as the Cabinet’s Budget Savings Proposals for Consultation.


2.            It be noted that the formal budget consultation will commence on the 10 November 2016 and run until 11 December 2016. The results of the consultation process will then be considered by Cabinet as part of preparing their final 2017/18 budget proposal.


3.            It be noted that the Chief Executive as Head of Paid Service will be issuing all necessary statutory and non-statutory employment consultations in respect of the staffing implications of the proposals.