Manylion y mater

Modelau Cyflawni Amgen y Gwasanaethau Seilwaith - Achos Busnes Llawn

The report will summarise the Full Business Case analysis work carried out on the Modified In-house and Wholly Owned Company alternative delivery models and recommend which model should be implemented for the services in scope of the project. 


Math o fusnes: Key

Statws: Argymhellion Cymeradwy

Hysbysiad o benderfyniad arfaethedig wedi’i gyhoeddi gyntaf: 12/02/2016

Angen Penderfyniad: 16 Meh 2016 Yn ôl Cabinet

Prif Aelod: Aelod Cabinet yr Amgylchedd

Prif Gyfarwyddwr: Director of City Operations

Y Broses Ymgynghori

Consultation with key stakeholders will take place ahead of the Cabinet meeting.  A pre-Cabinet Scrutiny meeting is also being planned. 

Scrutiny Consideration: Red


Eitemau Agenda