Manylion y mater

Strategaeth ar y Gyllideb

To seek Cabinet approval for the budget strategy in respect of 2021/22 and the MTFP which includes consideration of the financial position and savings targets for each directorate.

To note the Budget Timetable Framework and forward this to council for approval.

Math o fusnes: Key

Statws: Argymhellion Cymeradwy

Hysbysiad o benderfyniad arfaethedig wedi’i gyhoeddi gyntaf: 11/09/2020

Angen Penderfyniad: 17 Medi 2020 Yn ôl Cabinet

Prif Aelod: Yr Aelod Cabinet dros Gyllid, Moderneiddio a Pherfformiad

Prif Gyfarwyddwr: Cyfarwyddwr Corfforaethol Adnoddau a Swyddog Adran 151

Scrutiny Consideration: Amber

Eitemau Agenda