Manylion y mater

Trefniadau Uwch Reolwyr

To seek Cabinet approval for an amended senior management structure in line with the new Administration’s statement of priorities – Capital Ambition - and the pending retirement of the Director of Social Services.

Math o fusnes: Key

Statws: Argymhellion Cymeradwy

Hysbysiad o benderfyniad arfaethedig wedi’i gyhoeddi gyntaf: 12/10/2017

Angen Penderfyniad: 16 Tach 2017 Yn ôl Cabinet

Prif Aelod: Yr Aelod Cabinet dros Gyllid, Moderneiddio a Pherfformiad

Prif Gyfarwyddwr: Prif Weithredwr

Y Broses Ymgynghori

Consultation has been undertaken with Senior Managers, Trade Unions and Scrutiny

Scrutiny Consideration: Green


Eitemau Agenda