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Decisions published

27/05/2021 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement -Contract Renewal ref: 1524    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Resources & Section 151 Officer

Decision published: 14/06/2021

Effective from: 18/06/2021




Agreed: that a new contract for the Authority’s MicrosoftEnterprise Agreement be let, via Welsh Government’s NPS (National Procurement Service) IT Products and Services (ii) Framework Agreement as a direct award contract to Softcat plc, for 3 years, in line with framework terms


26/05/2021 - Extension of the WITS Partners Collaboration Agreement ref: 1523    For Determination

Decision Maker: Chief Digital Officer

Decision published: 28/05/2021

Effective from: 10/06/2021


Agreed: that following consultation with the cabinet member for Finance, Modernisation and Consultation, the Section 151 Officer and the Director of Governance and Legal services agreement be given to extend the WITS collaboration Agreement for a further 12 months from the1st July 2021 until 30th June 2022

20/05/2021 - Recovery and Renewal: Organisational Recovery and Renewal ref: 1510    Recommendations Approved

As part of the Council’s Recovery and Renewal programme, this report will consider the impact the pandemic has had on Council services and local public services, including the shift towards becoming an agile organization, the increased use of technology and data in service delivery and the application of locality working for front line community services.



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021




1.            the establishment of a Capital Ambition: Recovery and Renewal programme, based on the priorities outlined in the report and to be reviewed after 12 months be approved


2.            authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance, to:


  1. Commence a programme of trade union and staff engagement on the development of a ‘hybrid working’ model.
  2. Undertake a review of the Council’s relevant employee policy requirements, including the Homeworking Policy and the associated agile working policies, to ensure that they support the shift to a ‘hybrid working’ model, with details of the review being reported back to Cabinet
  3. Establish recovery plans for services that continue to be disrupted, or whose business model has been fundamentally challenged, by the pandemic.
  4. Oversee a post-pandemic review of all services to ensure that they are able to operate safely, effectively and efficiently in the new operating environment, including identifying a programme of further service digitisation.
  5. Deploy resources within the budgetary framework to support the delivery of the proposals outlined in this report.


3.            Authority be delegated to the Director of Economic Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Investment and Development and Section 151 Officer to undertake a fundamental review of the Council’s core office and depot accommodation through a detailed business case process and to report back to a future meeting of Cabinet.


4.            Authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for People and Communities, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, to:


  1. Accelerate the development of a multi-agency ‘locality working’ model, focused on health and care services.
  2. Explore new partnership arrangements for Public Health with the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, under the auspices of the Cardiff Public Services Board.
  3. Undertake a review of the Council’s public services partnership arrangements to ensure that they can support the continuation of enhanced levels of multi-agency working.





20/05/2021 - One Planet Cardiff - A Response to the Climate Emergency: Key Progress ref: 1513    Recommendations Approved

As part of the Council’s Recovery and Renewal programme, this report will update Cabinet on the delivery of the One Planet Cardiff vision and the actions the that will be undertaken to address the climate emergency in Cardiff


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021




1.                                          the substantial progress on the development of the final “One Planet Cardiff Strategy” following the launch of the draft strategy in October 2020 be noted


2.                                          the feedback from public consultation to help shape a final strategy be noted


3.                                          authority be delegated to the Director of Planning, Transport & Environment,  in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member (Clean Streets, Recycling and Environment), to select the projects to be funded from the capital allocation.


20/05/2021 - Recovery and Renewal: Delivering a Child Friendly Recovery ref: 1512    Recommendations Approved

As part of the Council’s Recovery and Renewal programme, this report will update Cabinet on the impact of the pandemic on children and young people and put forward a programme of action to ensure that the recovery from the pandemic has is a ‘child friendly recovery’, including child’s rights, early years and support for families, future pathways into employment and how the Council will collaborate with school leaders to refocus the Cardiff 2030 priorities for education and learning.



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021




1.               shared responsibility to enable a Child Friendly approach to city recovery and renewal be adopted across all Cabinet portfolios


2.               the short term response for the next 12 months which comprises an appropriate balance of both universal and targeted solutions to meet the needs of all children and young people be agreed


3.               endorsement be given to the proposed focus upon the re-engagement and well-being of children and young people, in particular to support multi-agency partnership working and community inclusion to successfully deliver the ‘Summer of Smiles’ festival across the city.


4.               Support be given to a positive communications campaign that champions children and young people and continues to build trust in schools to promote children’s best interests, well-being and individual potential.


5.               Responsibility be delegated to the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team, in consultation with the relevant cabinet members, to deliver the actions identified within the report, and ensure that resources are appropriately prioritised to address the needs of the most vulnerable and at risk children and young people.


6.               Responsibility be delegated to the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning, in consultation with the relevant cabinet members, to work with partners to refresh the Child Friendly Cardiff Strategy by the end of 2021.


20/05/2021 - Greener, Fairer, Stronger: Draft City Recovery and Renewal Strategy ref: 1511    Recommendations Approved

As part of the Council’s Recovery and Renewal programme, this report will consider the impact the pandemic has had on the city and set out a Cardiff response to the significant longer-term shifts in the way in which people live, work and travel as a consequence of the pandemic, as well as how the Council will lead a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable post-pandemic economy.   



Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021



1.               the draft ‘Greener, Fairer, Stronger, the City Recovery and Renewal Strategy’ (Appendix 1) be approved for engagement purposes; and authority be delegated to the Director of Economic Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Investment and Development to establish a programme of engagement, including a Child Friendly engagement process in respect of the draft Strategy, and to return to Cabinet in the autumn with a final draft Strategy for approval.

2.               the BID renewal proposal prepared by FOR Cardiff, with supporting business plan (Appendix 2) and the intention to hold a BID ballot with an end date of July 1st be noted and

3.               authority be delegated to the Director of Economic Development to cast the Council’s votes in the BID ballot in relation to the Council’s relevant hereditaments in favour of the BID’s renewal and, subject to approval of the BID by ballot, to enter into any associated agreements with FOR Cardiff in relation to implementation of the BID’s second term.

4.               the Global Perspectives Report produced by Dr Tim Williams (Appendix 3) be noted


20/05/2021 - Llanrumney Regeneration Scheme - Statutory Public Consultation and Land Disposal Update ref: 1516    Recommendations Approved

This report is to progress the disposal of sites located at Ball Lane and Ball Road following a public consultation as part of the wider regeneration strategy agreed by Cabinet in November 2020 to deliver a road/bridge link between A48 and Llanrumney.


This report will also seek to update Cabinet on progress with the Logistic Retail development that forms part of this project.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021


Appendices 2, 4 and 5 of this report are not for publication as they contain exempt information of the description contained in paragraphs 14, 16 and 21 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.





1)    the content of the Decision Report attached as Appendix 3 be approved


2)          authorisation be given to the advertisement of a further notice of the Council’s decision to dispose of the land identified in the site plan attached as Appendix 1 and to make the Decision Report available for inspection and to comply with all other formalities required by the Regulations.


3)          Subject to the full completion of the statutory consultation process referred to in Recommendation 2 above, authority be given to dispose of Sites B and C outlined in this report and identified in the site plans attached as part of the surveyors report at Confidential Appendix 4 and in line with the Heads of Terms set out in Confidential Appendix 5.


20/05/2021 - Let's make Cardiff Greener, Healthier and Wilder ref: 1514    Recommendations Approved

The report will require Cabinet to note the progress that the Council has made to date and the future proposals / plans in respect of the five items set out in the motion. 


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021




1.               the current position and areas of proposed activity detailed within the report be noted


2.               support for the development of an overarching plan for the mass planting of trees and the production of an enhanced annual programme for delivery be confirmed


3.               officers be authorised to allocate resources to:

(i)              support venue hire and a secretariat function for the purpose of developing a National Park City for Cardiff;

(ii)             provide support to establish governance arrangements to ensure momentum for a movement;

(iii)           commission a third party to design and facilitate a National Park City Cardiff Stakeholder Event.



20/05/2021 - Minutes of the Cabinet Meeting held on 18 March 2021 ref: 1508    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 20/05/2021



20/05/2021 - Capital Ambition Recovery and Renewal ref: 1509    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 20/05/2021


RESOLVED: that Cabinet the content of the report and the proposed engagement programme be noted.


14/05/2021 - Commissioning approach for Flying Start childcare places - 2022-2025 - Seeking delegated authority to proceed to open tender ref: 1517    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults Services, Housing & Communities

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021


Agreed: that approval be given to


1. the procurement of the Flying Start Childcare Services, as set out in the body of the report;


2.the proposed overarching evaluation criteria as detailed in the body of the report.


3.the issue of the OJEU notice to commence the procurement;


20/05/2021 - Provision of funding to Welsh Government to enable an Arbed 3 area based scheme on Llandaff North and Rumney BISF properties ref: 1522    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults Services, Housing & Communities

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021


Appendix 1 of this report is exempt from publication pursuant to the provisions of Schedule 12A Part 4 paragraph 16 of the Local Government Act 1972


Agreed: that, on the condition that Welsh Government provide Arbed 3 funding for energy efficiency improvements for up to 152 private BISF properties in Llandaff North and Rumney, it be agreed that Cardiff Council will provide funding to Welsh Government for energy efficiency improvements to 100 Council BISF properties in Llandaff North and Rumney plus enabling works to all tenures of property (see paragraph 18 for costs).



19/05/2021 - Homeless Supported Accommodation - Procurement of Security and Guarding Service. ref: 1521    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Adults Services, Housing & Communities

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021



Agreed: that the invitation to the tendering and procurement of a Framework Agreement with one appointed contractor to supply Security and Guarding Services within each of the Council’s Supported Accommodation Schemes be authorised


13/05/2021 - Framework for Responsive Repairs & Maintenance to Domestic Properties ref: 1520    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of People and Communities

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021


Agreed: that


1.he proposed overarching evaluation criteria as detailed in the body of the report be approved


2.the commencement of the procurement and the issue of the Contract Notice and PQQ documentation be authorised


19/05/2021 - Allocation of Section 106 Funding for the Redevelopment of the Old School Community Centre, Lisvane ref: 1519    Recommendations Approved


          To enable funding to be awarded to Lisvane Community Council to redevelop and extend the Old School Community Centre for the benefit of future and current residents of the area.


Decision Maker: Director of Planning, Transport & Environment

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021


Agreed: that


1.   approval be given to the allocation of £600,000 of funding towards the redevelopment of the Old School Community Centre, Lisvane.


2.   It be noted that the funding is made up of developer contributions for community facility provision, from two large local housing developments.


18/05/2021 - Hire of Demountable Accommodation to Expand Cantonian Specialist Resource Base (SRB) ref: 1518    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Education and Lifelong Learning

Decision published: 21/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021


Agreed: that the direct award for the hire of demountable accommodation be given to Portakabin via the framework SEWSCAP 3 Lot 11, at a value of £1.325m.


20/05/2021 - Canal Quarter Regeneration ref: 1515    Recommendations Approved

A new masterplan for the future development of the Capital Quarter area within the city centre to attract investment and expand the city-centre’s commercial offer.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 20/05/2021 - Cabinet

Decision published: 20/05/2021

Effective from: 03/06/2021


Appendices 3 to 4 of this report are not for publication as they contain exempt information of the description contained in paragraphs 14, 16 and 21 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


AGREED: that


    1)          the Canal Quarter Development Framework as set out in Appendix 2 be approved for consultation.


    2)          in principle approval be given to the Option Agreement set out in Confidential Appendix 3 and Authority be delegated to the Director of Economic Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Investment and Development, the Section 151 Officer and the Legal Officer to complete an agreement and in the event that the Option Agreement is exercised a further report will be presented back to Cabinet for approval.