Issue - decisions

School Organisation Planning: Provision for children and young people with Complex Learning Needs and Autism Spectrum Condition

28/09/2022 - School Organisation Planning: Provision for children and young people with Additional Learning Needs - Complex Learning Needs and Autism Spectrum Condition Provision for Primary and Secondary Aged Pupils



(i)           Approval be given to the proposals in respect of changes to additional learning needs provision as set out in a paragraph 1 of this report without modification


(ii)          Officers be authorised to take the appropriate actions to implement the proposals as set out in paragraph 1


(iii)         Approval be given to the proposal as set out in paragraph 2 without modification


(iv)         Officers be authorised to take the appropriate actions to implement the proposal as set out in paragraph 2


(v)          Officers be authorised to publish the decisions within 7 days of determination of the proposal


(vi)         Authority be delegated to the Director of Education & Lifelong Learning (in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Education and Finance, Modernisation & Performance, the Director of Governance and Legal Services, the Director of Economic Development and the Corporate Director for Resources) to determine all aspects of the procurement process (including for the avoidance of doubt development of all procurement documentation and selection and award criteria, commencement of procurement through to award of contracts).


(vii)       the publication of a statutory notice in respect of proposals published by the Governing Body of Whitchurch High School to expand its Specialist Resource Base from 70 places to 100 places from September 2022 and future determination of the proposal be noted