Issue - decisions

Recycling Strategy

28/09/2022 - The Recycling Strategy for Cardiff and the Programme for Change



i)             the results of public consultation on the draft Recycling Strategy 2022-25: ‘Greener and Cleaner’ attached as Appendix B be noted


ii)            Approval be given to the Recycling Strategy 2022-25: ‘Greener and Cleaner’ attached as Appendix A.


iii)           the outcomes of the segregated recycling pilot undertaken by 4,000 properties be noted


iv)           Agreement in principle be given to the programme of change set out in the Recycling Strategy 2022-25: ‘Greener and Cleaner’ and this report and delegate authority to the Director of Economic Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate Change to roll-out the phased implementation of the programme including:


·         The phased roll-out of segregated recycling as set out in this report across household properties in Cardiff.


·         The phased roll-out of reduced residual waste collections as set out in this report to improve the level and quality of recycling across household properties in Cardiff.

·         Undertake further pilot work in relation to Houses of Multiple Occupancy and Flats to improve recycling performance including the testing of communal segregated recycling bins.


·         Review the expansion of kerbside collection services to cover items currently not collected at the kerbside.


·         Enhance and strengthen education and enforcement to deliver improved recycling compliance across household properties in Cardiff.


·         Develop the business case to move from a Material Recovery Facility to a Material Handling Facility required to manage segregated recycling.


·         Improvements to the trade / business waste model to improve recycling and meet new legislative requirements.


·         Identification of wider Council / service area change to value resources and minimise the Council’s impact on climate change.


v)            the plans to enhance the cleansing service, including the move balanced resourcing and ‘same day cleanse’ following collections for inner wards be noted.


vi)           the development of a business case for a future repair and re-use ‘superstore’ be noted.  A further report will be brought regarding the business case.