Issue - decisions

Recycling Strategy for Cardiff: 64% and Beyond

17/12/2021 - Draft Recycling Strategy 2021-2025



1.               the draft recycling strategy 2021-25; ‘Make a change to save our planet – Reduce, Re-use, Recycle’ be noted


2.               Approval be given to the consultation on the draft recycling strategy 2021-25 – ‘Make a change to save our planet – Reduce, Re-use, Recycle’ and associated resident survey on improving recycling performance. 


3.               Agreement be given to


                    i.          support a pilot of 3 stream segregated collections for glass, mixed containers (plastic and metal) and paper / cardboard; alongside the use of reusable bags


                  ii.           retain the Recycling Centre booking system and ‘no black bag’ policy


                 iii.          cease the provision of red and white striped bags for residents living in properties unable to store 140litre residual bins, instead allowing residents to present three refuse bags per fortnight from 2022