Issue - decisions

Recovery and Renewal: The future of local public services

21/05/2021 - Recovery and Renewal: Organisational Recovery and Renewal



1.            the establishment of a Capital Ambition: Recovery and Renewal programme, based on the priorities outlined in the report and to be reviewed after 12 months be approved


2.            authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance, to:


  1. Commence a programme of trade union and staff engagement on the development of a ‘hybrid working’ model.
  2. Undertake a review of the Council’s relevant employee policy requirements, including the Homeworking Policy and the associated agile working policies, to ensure that they support the shift to a ‘hybrid working’ model, with details of the review being reported back to Cabinet
  3. Establish recovery plans for services that continue to be disrupted, or whose business model has been fundamentally challenged, by the pandemic.
  4. Oversee a post-pandemic review of all services to ensure that they are able to operate safely, effectively and efficiently in the new operating environment, including identifying a programme of further service digitisation.
  5. Deploy resources within the budgetary framework to support the delivery of the proposals outlined in this report.


3.            Authority be delegated to the Director of Economic Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Investment and Development and Section 151 Officer to undertake a fundamental review of the Council’s core office and depot accommodation through a detailed business case process and to report back to a future meeting of Cabinet.


4.            Authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for People and Communities, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, to:


  1. Accelerate the development of a multi-agency ‘locality working’ model, focused on health and care services.
  2. Explore new partnership arrangements for Public Health with the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, under the auspices of the Cardiff Public Services Board.
  3. Undertake a review of the Council’s public services partnership arrangements to ensure that they can support the continuation of enhanced levels of multi-agency working.