Issue - decisions

Cardiff's Local Well-being Plan

18/05/2018 - Cardiff's Local Wellbeing Plan

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Huw Thomas presented Cardiff’s Local Wellbeing Plan for approval by Council. In presenting the report he was disappointed that the Corporate Plan a vital part of the policy framework that sat alongside this important document had not been approved and that the delay would impact on the implementation of the Well-being Plan.  The Well-being Plan had been prepared in collaboration with the Public Service Board and deals with complex issues of the health and wellbeing of the citizens of Cardiff which the previous amendment and the amendment to this report dealt with. 


The Well-being Plan was a well-developed document which built on the evidence base set out in the comprehensive Well-being Assessment and gave a platform for partners to respond together on issues of protecting the vulnerable; helping the homeless; supporting older people to stay happy and healthy in their own communities and tackling issues such as radicalisation.


The Cabinet Member, Health and Social Care seconded the Plan and drew attention to the challenges and partnership arrangements; work with Ministers and the Welsh Government, the breaking down of barriers and the delivery of complex issues.  She advised of the importance of a step change at community level joining up schools and social services; health and public services to support families and tackle issues early.  The alignment between the Corporate Plan, the Well-being Plan and the Area Plan are fundamentally important in providing the strategic framework between the city’s public and community services, and in the delivery of the Cardiff Ambition. 


The Lord Mayor advised that he had received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 24a an amendment to the report.  The Lord Mayor invited Councillor Berman to propose the amendment.


The amendment called for the recommendation to defer consideration of the Well-being Plan until a future Council meeting to enable a Health Impact Assessment of the Plan before its approval with a view to have a better plan, give consideration of unintentional consequences, and meet the requirements of the future Welsh Government Public Health Act. 


The amendment was seconded by Councillor Boyle who reminded Council of his Group’s consistently approach to promote the priority of health inequality and will continue to work to ensure that the Plan is fit for purpose.


The Lord Mayor opened the item for debate and observations were made in relation to health and the family; the well-being of young people and children; the need to ensure services are available at a local level; actions and consultation on the draft plan and the seven well-being objectives.  Concerns around democratic deficit of the membership of the Cardiff Public Service Board with only one politician on the Board.


Councillor Dianne Rees moved a motion without notice CPR 25(iv) to refer the Plan back to Cabinet this was seconded by Councillor Robson.


The Lord Mayor invited the Leader to respond.  The Leader responded to issues raised in relation to child well-being, and support from partners including the Local Health and Public Service Boards. The Leader indicated that in relation to Health Impact Assessment it was proposed to pilot these in the future.


The Lord Mayor called for a vote on the amendment proposed by Councillor Berman.


The vote on the amendment was LOST


The Lord Mayor called for a vote on the reference back proposed by Councillor Dianne Rees.


The vote on the reference back was LOST.


The Lord Mayor called for a vote on the recommendation 


The vote on the recommendation was CARRIED


RESOLVED – That the Cardiff’s Local Wellbeing Plan was approved.