Values and Principles of the Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee
The Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee shall actively work to promote the life chances of looked after children in the care of Cardiff Council and those young people who are care leavers. This shall be achieved through the Committees work programme and key performance indicators.
The voice of Children Looked After shall drive the Committee agenda and priorities.
The Committee shall ensure their agenda focuses on what Children Looked After identify as relevant for their growth and development.
The Committee shall monitor services that shall be delivered across all statutory and voluntary sector organisations.
Social Services, Health, and Education, the statutory agencies, shall influence and share responsibility by listening to Children Looked After to deliver relevant and dynamic services.
Corporate Parenting Strategy 2021-2024
A Corporate Parenting Strategy 2021-2024 has been published which outlines our commitments, challenges and key steps to support looked after children and care leavers across the city.
Working together with partners and the wider community, we all have a responsibility to support looked after children and care leavers in order for them to be happy, safe and thrive.
As part of a consultation with looked after children, five key priorities have been set out in the strategy based on their personal views and experiences.
These include:
· Improving emotional well-being and physical health
· Better connections, improved relationships
· A comfortable safe stable home whilst in care and after
· Educational achievement, employment and training
· Celebrating our children and young people
Support officer: Michele Chesterman. Email:
Phone: 02920 873606