Agenda item

Budget Monitoring - Month 4 Report




1.   the potential outturn position based on the first four months of the financial year be noted

2.   the allocations from the Specific Contingency Budgets to the Economic Development, Communities, Housing & Customer Services and Social Services Directorates as set out in this report be noted


3.   the requirement for all directorates currently reporting overspends as identified in the report to put in place action plans to reduce their projected overspends be reinforced



Cabinet received an update of the financial monitoring position for the Council based on the first four months of the year, including the projected outturn for 2017-18 compared with the budget approved in February 2017. It was reported that there was a projected overspend of £883,000 which reflected financial pressures faced by the Council and shortfalls in budget savings. It was noted that actions were being taken by directorates to resolve the position.




1.   the potential outturn position based on the first four months of the financial year be noted

2.   the allocations from the Specific Contingency Budgets to the Economic Development, Communities, Housing & Customer Services and Social Services Directorates as set out in this report be noted


3.   the requirement for all directorates currently reporting overspends as identified in the report to put in place action plans to reduce their projected overspends be reinforced


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