Agenda item

Adult Safeguarding

(a)  Cllr Elsmore Cabinet Member (Health, Housing and Wellbeing)will be in attendance and may wish to make a statement;


(b)  Tony Young Director Social Services, Irfan Alam Assistant Director Children’s Services and Alys Jones Operational Manager Safeguarding will be in attendance to answer Members’ questions;


(c)  Members of the Safeguarding Adults Regional Board Cardiff and The Vale of Glamorgan will attend to contribute to the discussion and answer Members’ questions:

o   Superintendent Stephen Jones – South Wales Police.

o   Sheila Harrison, Acting Deputy Executive Nurse Director, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board.

o   In addition, Linda Hugh–Jones (Head of Safeguarding, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board), will attend to assist in answering Members’ questions. Simon Burch, the representative on the Safeguarding Adults Regional Board Cardiff and The Vale of Glamorgan from the National Independent Safeguarding Board, have also been invited to attend.


(d)  Members question and answer session.



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