Agenda item

Education Quarter 4 Performance Report

This report provides the Committee with an update on the corporate performance indicators the Education and Lifelong Learning Directorate.


(a)  Councillor Sarah Merry (Cabinet Member for Education) will be in attendance and may wish to make a statement;


(b)  Nick Batchelar (Director of Education and Lifelong learning) will present the report and be available to answer any questions Members may have;


(c)   Questions from Committee Members.


The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Sarah Merry (Cabinet Member for Education) and Nick Batchelar (Director, Education and Lifelong Learning) and Angela Kent (Head of Achievement and Inclusion to the meeting.  The report was introduced by Nick Batchelar.  Members specific attention was drawn to the sickness absence figures, the PPDR data and the NEET data.


The Committee was invited to comment, raise questions or seek clarification on the information received.  Those discussions are summarised as follows:


·         Members queried the school admission process as a number of applications from parents living in the catchment area are being refused.  Officers advised there is a need to consult on the proposed changes to the admissions policy bearing in mind the intention to have a coordinated admissions process.


·         Members asked whether information could be provided as to the reasons why so many young people across Cardiff were at risk of becoming NEET.  Officers indicated that there were differing reasons for that, however, the vulnerability assessment profile has been used which has identified where additional support is required.


·         Members queried provision in main stream schools for those young people with speech and language difficulties and were advised by Officers that there has been improved intervention in main stream schools as a result of more effective joint working. 


·         Members highlighted that the screening for speech and language needs in schools is not consistent.  Officers indicated that it has only recently been introduced in secondary schools, the aim is to make it consistent with a view to improving communication skills and access support to modify behaviour.


·         Members queried the effect the recent hearing involving a parent taking a child out of school may have.  Officers advised that a precedent could be set however legal guidance is currently awaited.  


·         Members queried the increase in the NEET figures at Eastern High School and the comment from the Head teacher that some of those children should not be in main stream education.  Officers advised that the Accelerated Improvement Board is having regular meetings, the picture is now markedly different.  Schools must make arrangements for assessments to be carried out is they feel that a young person is inappropriately placed in main stream education.


·         There have been changes in figures at other schools, they are being challenged as to why there has been an increase in the number of young people who become NEET.


·         Schools are finding alternatives to exclusion, in primary a school behaviour is managed 1:1 however young people become disengaged after the transition to secondary school. 


·         Officers advised that the reliance on statements to support is children is being reduced and will be phased out and they will be replaced by a PEP.  There will be a transitional period and at the present time statements are still being processed. 


AGREED:  That the Chairperson writes on the Committee’s behalf to the Cabinet Member to convey their comments and observations.



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