Agenda item

Estyn Monitoring Visit Letter

This report enables the Committee to be presented with the outcome letter from the final inspection monitoring visit.


(a)  Clive Phillips, Assistant Director will introduce the Monitoring Visit letter and be available to answer questions;


(b)  Questions from Committee Members;


(c)   Councillor Sarah Merry ( Cabinet Member for Education) together with Nick Batchelar (Director of Education and Lifelong Learning) will respond to the monitoring visit letter;  


(d)  Questions from Committee Members.


The Chairperson welcomed Clive Phillips, Assistant Director Estyn, Councillor Sarah Merry (Cabinet Member for Education) and Nick Batchelar (Director, Education and Lifelong Learning) and Angela Kent (Head of Achievement and Inclusion) to the meeting.


Clive Phillips presented the Committee with the findings of the final Estyn Monitoring visit which took place in January 2016.  As a result of that visit Estyn have advised that the authority is no longer in need of significant improvement and has been removed from follow up activity although there are some areas that still require attention.


The Committee was invited to comment, raise questions or seek clarification on the information received.  Those discussions are summarised as follows:


  • Members advised that they were aware of a number of unofficial schools in the area.  They were informed that Estyn had carried out inspections on 3 out of 4 of those schools and were monitoring the situation.


  • It was explained that the variation in performance in the wider capped point score could be attributed to a number of factors: courses that do not meet needs; how well schools engaged with pupils; the range of qualifications; and whether classes are enjoyed by pupils. 


  • Members queried the gap in performance between girls and boys and the reasons for that. Members were advised that there were wide variations across Wales.  The performance of girls is lower than the Wales average.  Aspiration is not the same in lower performing schools and the authority needs to look at individual schools.  


  • Members expressed concern to the reference that pupils most at risk of exclusion often have speech and language difficulties, but were advised that whilst restorative approaches are beginning to have a positive impact it is a growing problem. It is not behaviour that is such an issue, it is that provision/aspirations are not being met and it is being demonstrated by behaviour and poor attendance. However, it is clear that there are now strategies in place to address the issues.


Councillor Merry made a brief statement thanking the Estyn team and officers but stated that there were still improvements to be made, this sentiment being echoed by officers.


AGREED:  That the Chairperson writes on the Committee’s behalf to the Cabinet Member and to Estyn to convey their comments and observations.



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