Agenda item

Children's services Quarter 4 Performance Report

This report enables the Committee to review and assess the performance of Children’s Services across a number of key performance indicators.


(a)  Tony Young (Director of Social Services) will introduce the briefing and be available to answer questions; 


(b)  Questions from Committee Members;


The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Sue Lent (Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children and Families, and Deputy Leader) and Kim Brown (Service Manager, Policy and Performance) to the meeting.


Members were provided with an overview of the Quarter 4 performance and were advised that whilst there had been some continued progress there had been slippage in some areas in the context of increasing referrals and overall caseload numbers, 


The Committee was invited to comment, raise questions or seek clarification on the information received.  Those discussions are summarised as follows:


  • Officers confirmed that at this point it was just the premises that had been secured for the Adult Resources Centre.


  • Members expressed concern that, despite having received a positive report, on the whole performance indicator targets were not being achieved.  Members were advised that the figures to not always capture or reflect how well the service is performing.  There will be new performance indicators from April, they will include some of the old indicators and therefore the next year will be a base line year.


  • Members queried the budget figures in relation to externally purchased placements with high support rations.  Officers advised that there has been an increase in the proportion of children presenting with extremely complex challenges.  Officers advised that this trend is likely to continue.


AGREED:  That the Chairperson writes on the Committee’s behalf to the Cabinet Member to convey their comments and observations.



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