Agenda item

Notice of Motion 2

The Council notes that:


·       There are 3,726 people in Cardiff living with dementia. The total number of people with dementia in the UK as a whole is forecast to increase to over 1 million by 2025 and over 2 million by 2051 if age-specific prevalence remains stable, and increases are only driven by demographic ageing.


·       In September 2014, Council unanimously agreed to work towards making Cardiff a dementia supportive community.


·       Cardiff Council is a strategic partner in Cardiff & Vale University Health Board's Dementia Three-Year Plan.


·       Under the Cabinet’s draft budget proposals, it is proposed to withdraw council funding for the Alzheimer’s Society Day Support Service at Oldwell Court in Penylan.


·       Oldwell Court supports 65 people across the city with moderate to severe symptoms of dementia; care needs include support with continence and feeding. It also provides respite for carers giving much needed emotional, practical support for those with complex needs.

The Council calls on the cabinet to act in accordance with its stated aim of supporting those living with dementia and their families, by pledging to safeguard funding for services at Oldwell Court for the 2016/17 financial year.

Proposed by:     Councillor Carter


Seconded by      Councillor Kelloway.


Supporting documents: