Agenda item

Motion 2

Motion 2


This Council notes:


That the Trade Union Bill currently being debated in the UK Parliament contains a wide ranging set of proposals which will affect this Council's relationship with our trade unions and workforce as a whole, undermine the basic right to strike and make it harder for workers to organise effectively in trade unions.


Cardiff Council resolves:


To support the TUC and its affiliated unions in their campaign to protect trade union rights.


To write to the UK Conservative Governments Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills stating the council’s opposition to the government's proposals on trade unions.


To write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the First Minister of Wales, the Welsh Minister for Public Services and the Welsh Local Government Association, stating our view that the interference of the UK government in local industrial relations is against both the spirit and the letter of the devolution settlement.


To write to all MPs and AMs in Cardiff informing them of our position and encouraging them to oppose the trade union bill.


In the event that the government's proposals become law, in so far as is lawful for the council as an employer, to continue to allow recognised trade unions to use subscriptions through payroll, or otherwise support trade unions' efforts to move members onto direct debit subscriptions, through allowing access to workers and giving employees as much notice as possible of any changed arrangements.


To commit not to use agency workers to break strikes.


To continue to work in partnership with our recognised trade unions.


Proposed by:             Councillor Stubbs


Seconded by:            Councillor Keith Jones