Agenda item

Motion 3

The Welsh Government, on the 26th November 2013, responded to the Council's Local Development Plan (Deposit). In their response they included a section relating to the Green Belt.


The verbatim wording is :-


“The Welsh Government objects to the inclusion of Policy KP3 (A) 'Green Belt' and the identification of the area shown on the Proposals Map, which should be removed in its entirety.


The Welsh Government considers that there is no necessity for the delineation of such an area as other policies can be used to refuse inappropriate proposals. With the current suite of proposals contained with the LDP to meet the identified needs i.e.  housing, there is no additional need for further policies which only duplicate the existing policy structure of the plan. This is unnecessary”.


We call upon Cardiff Council to reaffirm the Council's commitment to support the Green Belt and protect the green lungs of Cardiff and oppose a green wedge which will just protect the area for the duration of the plan. We need absolute certainty 


Proposed by:             Councillor Jayne Cowan


Seconded by:            Councillor Rod McKerlich