Agenda item

Draft Corporate Plan 2024-2027 & Draft Budgetary Proposals 2024/25

Appendix 7 is exempt from publication because it contains information of the kind described in paragraphs 14 and 21 of parts 4 and 5 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.



Corporate Overview – Cllr Weaver, Chris Lee, Ian Allwood (15:05pm)                                                                                                                                                                 


Cllr Burke - Culture, Parks & Events portfolio apart from Storey Arms,

Neil Hanratty & Jon Maidment  (15:30pm)                                                                                                                    


Cllr Goodway - Investment and Development portfolio apart from FM,

Assets - Neil Hanratty, Donna Jones, Jon Day (16:10pm)                                                                                                 


Cllr Thomas -City Deal, Western Gateway, Neil Hanratty (16.50pm)


Cllr Merry - Cardiff Commitment, Suzanne Scarlett (17:00pm)


Cllr Bradbury - Into Work, ACL Helen Evans, Suzanne Scarlett (17:10pm)


Cllr Thorne Local Regeneration, Hubs & Libraries, Helen Evans,

Rebecca Hooper  (17:20pm)                                                                                                       



Supporting documents: