Agenda item

Education/Schools Post-Pandemic Recovery Update

For Members to receive an update on Schools Pandemic Recovery.


Members were advised that this item would allow them to consider the contents of a presentation on Education and Schools Post-Pandemic Recovery.  Members were noted that the focus of the session was to receive an update on this issue.  A further deep dive would be undertaken at the March 2024 meeting.

The Chair welcomed Councillor Sarah Merry (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education), Melanie Godfrey (Director of Education and Lifelong Learning), Phil Norton (Achievement Leader Targeted Support, Education & Lifelong Learning) and Jennie Hughes (Head of Inclusion).                  

Councillor Merry was invited to make an opening statement in which she

highlighted the key bullet points of the presentation including Cardiff being the first UK city to be recognised as a child friendly city, the rise in  Elective Home Education and the transfer from SEN to ALN. She stressed that none of the issues facing Education/Schools post-pandemic recovery were unique to Cardiff or Wales but they were UK issues. She noted that when the headteachers had attended Committee the issues had been around attendance figures rising again, but still lower than pre COVID, and some behaviour issues with the growth in additional learning needs (ALN). 

Members were then provided with a presentation which gave an overview, position statement of the progress being made by education and schools.  It was hoped that the slides would demonstrate the significant amount of work and progress being made by education services and schools. Although it was also noted there were challenges and pressures ahead.

The presentation included:

  • Progress - Continuing to deliver the Cardiff 2030 Vision for Education and Learning (Educational Outcomes, National Reforms),
  • Progress - Supporting Education Recovery Post Pandemic (Recognition of Cardiff as a Child Friendly City, Cardiff Commitment engagement, Review of Youth Service);
  • Finance/School Budgets – Current Context; (Key Actions, Efficiency Board Arrangements);
  • Children and Young People Safeguarding and Recovery Board; Children and Young People Board Scope;
  • Supporting Education Recovery Post-Pandemic with a focus on Vulnerable Groups (Successful Attendance campaign, Discussions around changes to way School Attendance Officer operates; Team around the School, Increase in Elective Home Education, Increase in Permanent Exclusions and Fixed Term Exclusions since Pandemic);
  • Community Focused Schools Cardiff;
  • Attendance at Primary and Secondary Schools


Members noted the challenges in terms of the increasing number of children in Elective Home Education (EHE) in Cardiff resulting in an increased workload on the EHE team.  In addition, EHE learners did not have the same level of contact with public services as those attending school. Members were advised that Welsh Government guidance recommended face to fact visits to those children but two charities had challenged the legal requirement.

In terms of the 2022-23 transfer from SEN to ALN Members noted an additional 131 additional ALN places had been implemented for September 2023 with a 20 further places planned for 2023/24 following completion of adaptation works. 

Members were invited to ask questions and make comments; the discussion is summarised as follows:

  • Members enquired as to the ALN process and if the timeline to obtain an IDP was of a similar length to a statement and additionally if the numbers of ALN and IDP could be predicted. Officers responded that the guidance stated that a school had a timeline of 35 days to work with the family and professionals involved and to write the IDP. The IDP was a more rapid process than statementing process and school based with the family being more involved in the discussions.  In terms of numbers, the increase in numbers was in respect of the children with the highest level of need. Members were informed it  was difficult to predict the numbers as it was a work in progress and further complicated by the transfer from SEN to ALN.


  • Members requested the percentage of those young people educated at home.   Officers to forward the information to the Committee.


  • Members asked if as a local authority Cardiff had access to a bank of tutors with which to signpost to the parents of young people who were home educated.  Officers responded that parents could commission tutors or programmes and online learning but as a local authority this was not a service that was provided, although the authority did have access to a small grant.


  • Members enquired what process was in place for home educated young people returning to full-time education and if the numbers of those returning was increasing. Officers responded that once every two weeks a Fresh Start Panel was convened to look at home educated children. An agreement was in place with the Secondary School headteachers that they would give a fresh start to the pupils to avoid those pupils going into a small number of schools.  Members were informed that the numbers of returners to full time education was increasing.


  • Members discussed the increasing numbers of families changing their minds and the number of young people expressing a desire to return to full time education.  It was suggested that this could be adding to the challenges facing education/schools rather than reducing them.  The question was asked whether the current arrangements around elective home education were fit for purpose and were the concerns being addressed with the Welsh Government and if there was an indication that they were reviewing the position as it currently stood.  Officers responded that the reason for sharing with the head teachers was to share the responsibility with the schools so the young people did not go back to the same schools that were facing challenges.  In terms of an analysis of what was being delivered – whilst it was only a statutory responsibility for an annual visit for home educated children where it was felt that education was not being delivered the Authority did not have to wait a year to revisit.  Ongoing discussions were taking place with the Welsh Government and this had been raised at a National Group level. 


  • Members asked if the children returning to full-time education were returning to their school age provision or not and what provision was in place to put them into a lower age group to ensure they achieved their academic potential. Officers responded that parents could request chronological offsetting for their child to put back a year.  There were arguments for and against this but ultimately it was up to the school to decide whether this happened or not. It was a question of looking at the best option for the child going forwards.


  • Members asked for clarification of the reasons why parents elected for home educated. Officers responded that the reasons included a belief that their child’s needs were not being met, lifestyle and other reasons such as anxiety etc.


  • Members asked how parenting groups were identified in Cardiff.  Officers responded that there were many groups across the city.  They were open groups for parents to attend and be a part of the discussion.


  • Members asked for further information on how the 131 additional ALN places were spread out amongst the schools. Officers agreed to provide the information to the Committee meeting in March 2024.


  • Members referred to the fact that a third of all school budgets in Cardiff were in deficit and many had used their one-off reserves set against a reduction in pupil numbers and asked what discussions were taking place with head teachers on the issue. Officers responded that the School Budget Forum would be the mechanism for determining school budgets and school resources and what it would mean in terms of numbers of staff and teaching assistants.  Discussions would take in the New Year.


RESOLVED: That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations captured during the way forward.

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