Agenda item

Notice of Motion 2

Proposed by:           Cllr Jackie Jones

Seconded by:          Cllr Ed Stubbs


This Council notes that:


Gender equality is one of the cornerstones of our society. It, alongside other equality duties, ensures all our citizens in Cardiff are well served by the Council.


In order to tackle these inequalities in Cardiff, the programmes, policies and spotlights need refreshing and added emphasis. The race equality taskforce, its conclusions and action plan are such examples. The public sector gender equality duty is another. These all intersect to create a Cardiff we can all be proud of and we want to live in.


The CEDAW (United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination) was signed and ratified under Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative government. It provides a list of rights and freedoms for women and girls in the UK, including for women and girls in Cardiff. A culture change is needed for these rights to be fully achieved.


To progress the rights for women and girls the Cardiff Labour Manifesto promised to make Cardiff a city for CEDAW within two years of the election.


CEDAW provides a framework, actions and principles Cardiff Council can take that align and support the goals of the VAWDASV (Wales) Act 2015, the Welsh Government Programme of Government, the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act 2015, the socio-economic duty, Cardiff Child-friendly City, anti-racist city.


Violence against women and girls is pervasive and has been held by the UN Secretary-General to be the most wide-spread human rights violation today. One woman in every three days is killed by her partner or former partner. The ONS figures for Cardiff, the Ask Cardiff Survey 2021 and Welsh Women’s Aid research all highlight that women felt much less safe than men in a variety of settings, including walking on the streets, especially after dark, whether in their neighbourhood or in the city centre, that sexual harassment was a major concern and that girls were being targeted by men for exploitation.


To change the culture of sexism and misogyny Cardiff Council needs to take effective actions.


The Tory-caused cost-of-living crises has again highlighted that women are negatively impacted differently to men as their relative economic and social power is less than most males. For example, according to the 2021 ONS figures, despite there being more women than men living in Cardiff (all ages), fewer women are in employment, women are paid less, more women are (unpaid) caregivers and run fewer companies or SMEs. The disparities are growing.


This also intersects with disability, race, age and sexual orientation and identity. For example, the Race Equality Taskforce survey result asked for greater diversity in the public sector. The Locked-Out Report 2021 described how disabled people ‘had less access to public services and social support’.


The draft Violence against Women Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence strategy is due in Cabinet in May.


The Council resolves:


To provide advice and information through the community Hubs and Libraries across Cardiff to help women and girls to access all benefits to which they are entitled, including a booklet of rights.


To create a programme of activities, informed by women and girls, to empower and engage women and girls, including a ‘Rights Fest’, ‘Equalities Champions’ and social impactful projects in Cardiff.


To ensure there are more Safe Spaces throughout Cardiff, involving women and girls in their creation.


To deliver a strong VAWDASV strategy and outcomes to increase the safety of all women and girls in Cardiff.


To ensure the Cardiff VAWDASV strategy reflects CEDAW and provides clear ambition and deliverables towards ending all forms of violence against women and girls.


To review our programme of equalities/inclusion training to ensure the principles of CEDAW are highlighted and mainstreamed in and delivered through such training for Council staff and officers, including front-line staff.


To put in place measures that ensure the Council’s workforce is measurably more representative and inclusive of the communities we serve. This includes strengthening and celebrating the work of our equalities network.


To ensure the principles of CEDAW are embedded in all decision-making, with equality impact assessments brought to scrutiny committees, thus fulfilling the public sector duty on gender.


To live by example: to continue to place accountability for abuse on those who cause harm, by challenging and changing the culture of sexism and misogyny, through activities and interventions that address harmful behaviours and promote the elimination of discrimination against women to people of all genders.


To declare Cardiff a ‘City for CEDAW’.


To call on the Cabinet to bring forward a report with concrete timetabled proposals to achieve the issues raised in this motion. 


Supporting documents: