Agenda item

Expansion of Pentyrch Primary School and Establishment of Nursery Provision at the School

To undertake the pre-decision scrutiny of the Cabinet proposals.


The Chair welcomed Melanie Godfrey (Director of Education & Lifelong Learning), Richard Portas (Programme Director of School Organisation Planning), and Brett Andrewartha (School Organisation Programme Planning Manager) to the meeting.


Richard Portas (Programme Director of School Organisation Planning) provided Members with a statement outlining the background to the paper provided. The proposed expansion has been brought forward in the context of planning and pupil data. The Council is aware that pupil numbers will be reducing due to the birth rate, however fewer pupils are expected to travel outside the catchment as a result of the nursery provision. Objections have been raised in relation to parking and transport and from the local nursery.



Members asked whether the Cardiff Influencers Programme would be utilised, and if so how they would ensure it was as representative as possible. Officers advised that it was doing so across the whole programme on issues of particular importance. The Council is looking toward bringing forward a long-term plan with a set of principles to support the SOP programme. Work is being done with a group of children and young people to bring them up to speed with matters relating to the programme. A number of stakeholders and businesses are supporting the work.



Members asked whether officers were confident that surplus places were not being built into Pentyrch Primary School in the longer term. Officers advised that Pentyrch is a difficult village to travel in and out of using active modes of travel, nevertheless parents are choosing to do so to access nursery and primary school provision. Over time the new LDP schools will be brought forward and there will be a reduction in the number of surplus places in existing schools. The proposal will ensure that a full range of services including nursery and primary teaching and wraparound care will be available on one site.



Members raised residents’ concerns about parking and congestion at school drop off and pick up times, and asked whether the Council had explored the possibility of using land adjacent to the school for staff parking and parent drop off and pick up. Officers advised that expanding the school site had not been considered. It is expected that an Active Travel plan will be developed. Parking would also be considered with a major development.



Members observed that having an Active Travel plan in place would not necessarily stop parents driving to the school, particularly those living in outlying areas. They asked whether S.106 money could be spent on a solution to parking issues. Officers advised that Highways was looking at a Park and Stride in the area. Members were advised that the Council is able to seek S.106 funds in accordance with its published LDP and Infrastructure Plan and supplementary planning guidance. Under the education planning guidance S.106 funds can be claimed where the Council can demonstrate there is a need for additional places. In this case the money is ring-fenced to provide the 70 additional places and comes directly from the Goytre Bach housing development.



Members asked how crucial the S.106 monies are to the expansion in places at Pentyrch, how guaranteed they are and what might be the implications if they did not materialise. Officers advised that the monies had already been received.




That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations captured during the way forward.

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