Agenda item

School Organisation Proposals: Provision for Children and Young People with Additional Learning Needs (ALN) - Emotional Health and Well Being Provision for Primary and Secondary Aged Pupils

To undertake the pre-decision scrutiny of the Cabinet proposals.


The Chair welcomed Melanie Godfrey (Director of Education & Lifelong Learning), Richard Portas (Programme Director of School Organisation Planning), and Brett Andrewartha (School Organisation Programme Planning Manager) to the meeting.


Richard Portas (Programme Director of School Organisation Planning) provided Members with a statement outlining the background to the papers provided. The proposals being brought forward are well-suited to ensure there is the right balance of provision within the city.



Members asked whether the Plasdwr development was expected to put further pressure on the sites, and how the plans interact with the LDP generally. Officers advised that the proposal was looking at emotional health and wellbeing and there was a further discussion to be had around strategically planning places around the city and how that linked with the LDP. It was factored in closely in relation to provision. The Council will be looking to bring forward balance in every catchment in relation to emotional health and wellbeing and complex needs. Currently need was concentrated in the east and west of the city. Officers advised that the yield of primary-age pupils from the new LDP sites is less than the fall in birth rate and drop in intake. The projected reduction in primary school intake from the 2015-2016 peak will be around 25%, or 1,000 pupils citywide per year group. The yield from the new housing developments is not expected to exceed 200-300 pupils per cohort.



Members sought clarification on the references in the report to requests by Estyn for further details in relation to the Court proposal being on two sites, and noted that the governing body at Fairwater Primary School has also asked for more detail, and asked whether more detail would be provided at the design stage for the scheme. Officers advised that the design has been worked up in parallel and that initial sketches have been shared with Fairwater Primary School. A pre-planning consultation will be brought forward shortly, providing the proposals are approved.



Members sought clarification on the financing of The Court proposal, referring to a statement in the report about capital receipts of £25 million. They requested information on how the figure had been derived, and how it fits alongside the Welsh Government grant of 75%, the 25% Invest to Save borrowing requirement, and how the School Organisation planned revenue reserve will be used. Officers advised that the £25 million was originally made up of land receipts from the existing Fitzalan, Woodlands and Riverbank sites. It was not expected that these would be realised in one go as the Programme needs to be delivered before any capital receipts can be realised. The £25 million Invest to Save is modelled within the Education Asset Programme and the disposals are factored into the reserve. The budget is in a balanced position.




That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations captured during the way forward.

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