Agenda item

'Preventing Young People's Involvement in Drug Dealing' - Further response and progress

This report enables the Committee to be briefed on the progress being made in the implementation of the inquiry report’s recommendations.


Members were advised that this item enables the Committee to review and assess the progress being made as well as any future actions in implementing the recommendations from the joint inquiry.


The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Linda Thorne (Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities) for this item and invited her to make a statement in which she highlighted the importance of the information and recommendations provided as a result of the inquiry, and that it had been acknowledged by the commitments made in the Corporate Plan. 


The Chairperson welcomed Sarah McGill (Corporate Director, People and Communities), Alison Jones (Interim Community Safety Manager) and Phillip Norton (Achievement Leader Targeted Education) to the meeting. Members were provided with a presentation outlining the responses to the recommendations provided as a result of the inquiry. 


The Chairperson invited questions and comments from Members.



Members referenced the hard to access services areas, and queried whether there would be any provision for satellite services. Particularly where currently there is not a Hub.  Members noted the need to make best use of the assets available, it’s important to be able to identify gaps and needs and where there are groups who are prepared to provide activities. In the currently climate there is no more finance available.   



Members discussed EOTA’s, exclusions and the role of Governors.  Members were advised that there was a governor training programme for those involved in exclusions.  It is important to ensure that any moves are well managed, as there is only a small number of schools who are undersubscribed and it is important to ensure that excluded pupils do not end up in the same schools. 



Members queried whether the Youth Service sits within the correct Directorate, and were advised that it was felt that it should sit with Education and that there are obviously different elements, a joint approach between Housing, Communities, Education and Children’s Services is essential.  Concern was raised about the nature of the support being provided particularly after school hours and during school holidays.  Members discussed the possible use of volunteers. There needs to be engagement within the adult and youth system. 



Members noted that it was important to consider the geographic gaps across when considering a locality based approach and to make sure that there is a commitment to providing additional resources in areas where there are gap, and that those resources integrate as effectively as possible, particularly where there is genuine enthusiasm and commitment from the community. There are areas which are flooded with facilities and organisations dealing with drug, drink and homeless issues.  Where young people witness anti-social behaviour associated with those issues on a daily basis.  Consideration also needs to be given to where those resources/facilities are placed. 


AGREED – That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations discussed during the Way Forward.


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