Agenda item

A New Delivery Model for Family Help and Support in Cardiff - Draft Cabinet Report

To consider and review a Draft Cabinet Report on a new delivery model for Families Help and Support in Cardiff prior to Cabinet on 11 October 2018.


The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Graham Hinchey (Cabinet Member, Children and Families), Sarah McGill (Corporate Director, People and Communities), Claire Marchant (Director, Social Services) and Jane Thomas (Assistant Director, Housing and Communities to the meeting.  


The Chairperson invited Councillor Hinchey to make a statement in which in advised that the MASH was introduced in 2016.  Fewer than 20% of referrals to the MASH progress to a Children’s Services intervention;  The basis of the new model is to bring together existing services into three new services, one of which is the family gateway which is the primary route in for all referrals and requests for help. 


The Directors and Assistant Director provided Members with a presentation,

Improving Outcomes for Children: Family Help and Support


The Chairperson invited questions and comments from Members:


Members asked how officers were going to address the number those speaking other languages and enquired about the training that would be provided. Officers advised that welsh speaking and community language speaking staff would be recruited and staff would always have access to language line.  A wide variety of languages were spoken in the hubs and WITS was absorbed from Gwent Police as part of the C2C function and they provide language support in Cardiff and throughout Wales.  There will be a workforce development team; training would be provided and evaluated, by means of auditing, listening to phone calls and a Quality Assurance Framework is to be put in place.  It was important that staff were aware of all the help available.


Members were advised that the multi-agency workshop held on 24September was well attended with over 45 representatives across a wide range of organisations attending.  Members did note however, that a response had not been received from all those representatives who had been invited.


Members were provided with an assurance that the contact telephone number would be widely publicised. 


Members discussed the Families First TUPE arrangements and were advised that some staff who transferred in accordance with those arrangements had since left and others had remained, however, a lot of training had been undertaking by those staff.  Members queried how many families had benefitted from involvement with those staff who had transferred in accordance with the TUPE arrangements and were advised that the information would be provided.  Members were advised that although the exact figures will not be known until the process is complete is anticipated that approximately 15 Ty Storrie staff will be transferred in accordance with the TUPE arrangements


Members sought clarification as to why in 51.8% cases referred to the MASH resulted no action taken.  Officers advised Members of the reasons; some are calls made to locate and speak to Social Workers, and some are referrals from the police which are only for information purposes.  It is important that there is clear data monitoring. 


Members noted that whilst every effort will be made to offset the required funding of £500k for the implementation of the model, it was anticipated that the funding would be required year on year.


Members asked for reassurance that the transition to the new delivery model would be seamless.  Officers advised that staff will be recruited and trained before the new model goes live, for some it will be a new service but for others it will be continuing their existing work.  As yet Cabinet has not made a decision, once a decision has  been made there will be consultation with the Trade Unions.


Members discussed raising attainment and the importance of children attending school, having had breakfast, being clean and getting to school on time.  Interventions in respect of parenting, income, debt advise and housing can all impact on a child getting to school in a psychological state which allows them to be ready to learn.  Performance management at schools need to be considered, eg, exclusions and the reasons for the flight or fight behaviour.  The stress they are suffering has to be reduced. 


Members sought clarification of the evidence suggesting that other cultures are not reporting or engaging with the service.  Officers advised that those from certain ethnic backgrounds are less likely to ask for help and in particular when it involves some form of domestic violence.  It is important to build trust with those from different ethnic backgrounds which takes time, it also helps to have staff from different ethnic backgrounds.  Members noted that referrals are difficult from the east of the City.


Members noted the diversity of provision across the city which makes call handling a complex task and were concerned whether we have the right pattern of provision.  Officers advised that Information Services are paramount. It is important that families are encouraged to use the telephone number to enable the authority to understand the needs of the family to ensure that the right type and level of support is provided.  It was noted that in some areas there is not enough provision and in others too much.


The Committee was advised that whilst the involvement of Young Commissions will be welcomed it is not required at this stage.  However, when further detail is available there will be further consultation.  Officers maintain that the voice of young people and the family are important and the different stages of consultation and implementation.


Members raised concerns as to whether the date of implementation in April 2019 is both realistic and achievable, Officers advised that the current contracts end on 31 March and therefore core services have to be in place by that time, although it is anticipated that the service will need to continue to develop.  It is vital that the model developed is fit for purpose. 


AGREED – That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations discussed during the way forward.

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