Agenda item

Appendix 10 - Exempt Fees & Charges

Appendix 10 of the cover report titled ‘Draft Corporate Plan 2018 to 2021 & 2018/19 Draft Cabinet Budget Proposals’ has been provided to Members on yellow papers and relates to a range of fees and charges for 2018/19.  These are deemed to be exempt from public publication by virtue of paragraph(s) 14, 21 of Part(s) 4 and 5 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. At this point Members will need to decide if they have any questions that they would like to ask on the proposals contained in Appendix 10. Should Members wish to ask any questions on the proposals contained within Appendix 10 then the meeting will need to be temporarily closed so that scrutiny is undertaken in a close session.  In the event that scrutiny is continued in a closed session them all members of the public at the meeting will be temporarily excluded for the duration of agenda item 5.