Decision details

Adult Social Services - Cardiff Older Peoples Home Care Fee Setting 2019/20 - 2022/23

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Adult social care services have been carrying out an exercise to understand the usual cost of care of the Older People's residential and nursing care services operating in Cardiff. The purpose of this exercise is to inform a 3 year fee setting strategy for Older Person's Care Home provision.

This report to Cabinet provide the detailed rational on the methodology used to carry out the work and how current operators were engaged in the process to establish the true cost of care

The Cabinet will use this information to set a fee strategy for Care homes.


Appendix C (Legal advice) is exempt from publication pursuant to Paragraph 12.1 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972


Prior to taking the decision below, Cabinet took account of the following factors:

·         the available resources that the council has

·         demand and priorities for care home services

·         providers legitimate and future costs

·         more cost effective operating models expected and commissioned services

·         The investment needed here  for providers to meet requirements of both commissioners and regulators (Care Inspectorate Wales)

·         the acknowledgement that services must operate safely and effectively to promote the welfare of individuals in their care




1)            the judgement on the standard cost of care homes for older people as set out in this report be agreed and that all new care home services for older people will be commissioned at a standard published fee from 1st January 2020 at the rate set out below:



                        Category                                            Costs per week

·         Older People Residential                    £708.60

·         Dementia Residential              £761.19

·         Older People Nursing             £702.04

·         Dementia Nursing                               £755.79


2)         the fee uplifts for 2019-20 backdated to 8th April 2019, as set out below:

·                £40 per week increase for all care home placements below the standard cost of care set out in Recommendation One and

·                £10 per week increase to all care home placements within £100 of the standard cost

·                No uplift for those care home packages that are in excess of £100 above the standard cost.


3)            Subject to available resources, a phased approach to uplifting care packages that fall below the standard price set out in Recommendation One over the next 3 years (April 2020 until March 2023) be agreed. The incremental rise will need to appropriately take into account standard costs impact from increases in the National Living Wage that will exceed CPI rates, as well as the resources available to the Council.


4)           authority be delegated for the decision-making for fee uplifts from 2020 onwards to the Director of Social Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Social Care, Health and Well-being, the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Director of Legal and Governance, using the approach set out in Recommendations Two and Threeand subject to the availability of the required resources.


5)            authority be delegated for all decision making, related to the new approach to securing care home placements for older people, including the methodology for determining quality, to be implemented from 1 April 2020, to the Director of Social Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Social Care, Health and Well-being, the Council’s Section 151 Officer and the Director of Legal and Governance.


6)            it be noted that Cabinet will be asked to consider a new Social Services Charging Policy that will be presented in January 2020.



Publication date: 22/11/2019

Date of decision: 21/11/2019

Decided at meeting: 21/11/2019 - Cabinet

Effective from: 04/12/2019

Accompanying Documents: