Decision details

Welsh Building Safety Developer Loan Scheme

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


 Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi y bydd yn ariannu Cynllun Benthyg Diogelwch Adeiladau i Ddatblygwyr Cymru.

Gofynnwyd i Gyngor Caerdydd ddatblygu, gweithredu a gweinyddu cynllun i roi benthyciadau di-log i ddatblygwyr preifat yng Nghymru i wneud gwaith adfer diogelwch tân.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi neilltuo cyllid cychwynnol o £20 miliwn i gefnogi blwyddyn 1 y cynllun.




1.            in principle approval be given that Cardiff Council will develop, operate, and administer a scheme, to provide interest free loans for a period of up to 5 years, to private developers in Wales, to undertake fire safety remediation work subject to  satisfactory mitigation of any potential financial risk to Cardiff Council.


2.            the Corporate Director, People & Communities be authorised to agree any details terms and conditions with Welsh Government in respect to the Scheme.


3.            Delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director, People & Communities, in consultation with the Corporate Director Resources (S151 Officer), and the Cabinet Members for Finance, Modernisation & Performance and for Housing & Communities to undertake due diligence to fully develop, implement and report on a loan scheme.


Publication date: 18/05/2023

Date of decision: 18/05/2023

Decided at meeting: 18/05/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 31/05/2023

Accompanying Documents: