Manylion y mater

Trefniadau Derbyn Ysgolion 2019/20

In accordance with Section 89 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and the Education (Determination of Admission Arrangements ) (Wales) Regulations 2016 the Council is required to review the School Admission Policy annually.


The School Admission Arrangements must be determined for implementation in September 2019.


Prior to agreeing the aforementioned arrangements the Council is required to conduct annual consultation.  On undertaking this process in 2016/17 stakeholders expressed that they wanted further consideration of additional/alternate criteria.  As such Cabinet agreed to authorise officers to consider further the Council’s school admission arrangements including wider research into alternative options and the impact of each, in advance of consultation on the Council’s School

Admissions Policy 2019/20.


The Cabinet report will set out the outcome of this research and the proposed admission arrangements for 2019/20 following consideration of the outcomes prior to consultation which must take place between 1 September 2017 and 1 March 2018.


Math o fusnes: Key

Statws: Argymhellion Cymeradwy

Hysbysiad o benderfyniad arfaethedig wedi’i gyhoeddi gyntaf: 23/06/2017

Angen Penderfyniad: 16 Tach 2017 Yn ôl Cabinet

Prif Aelod: Aelod Cabinet dros Addysg, Cyflogaeth a Sgiliau

Prif Gyfarwyddwr: Cyfarwyddwr Addysg a Dysgu Gydol Oes

Y Broses Ymgynghori

A range of stakeholders will be consulted as part of the annual admission arrangements consultation.

Scrutiny Consideration: Amber


Eitemau Agenda