Mater - penderfyniadau

Penodi Cynorthwywyr i Aelodau'r Cabiniet a Hyrwyddwyr yr Aelodau Cabinet

07/07/2017 - Penodi Cynorthwywyr i Aelodau'r Cabiniet a Hyrwyddwyr yr Aelodau Cabinet



1.            the appointment of four Assistants to Cabinet Members (or Cabinet Assistants), as set out in paragraph 8 of this report be approved


2.            it be agreed to absorb and mainstream the Member Champion or Lead Member roles set out in paragraph 12 of this report within relevant Cabinet portfolio responsibilities and to allocate/reallocate any specific Member Champion roles to either executive or non-executive members for appointment by Council, as considered appropriate; and


3.            the Constitution Committee be asked to consider incorporating provision for Member Champions within the Council’s Constitution.