Manylion y penderfyniad

Diweddariad ar Bolisi Camddefnyddio Cyffuriau ac Alcohol y Cyngor

Y sawl sy'n gwneud penderfyniad: Cabinet

Statws: Argymhellion Cymeradwy

Is KeyPenderfyniad?: Ydy

yn amodol ar gael ei alw i mewn?: Ydy


The Council’s Alcohol and Drug Misuse Policy, dated 2004, needs to be updated to include further advice and guidance and to specifically include matters concerning the misuse of substances.  In addition there is a need to clarify the roles and responsibilities for employees, managers and HR People Services and emphasise the support offered to employees. The manager’s guide which supports the policy has also been updated.  As part of the Council’s application for the Corporate Health Standard Bronze Award it is important that we have in place a clear policy that demonstrates a commitment to supporting employees who may have issues related to misuse.


AGREED; that


1.            the changes to the policy and rebranding as the Management of Alcohol, Drugs and Substance Misuse at Work be agreed.


2.            the revised policy be commended to School Governing Bodies for adoption.


3.         the revised policy be brought to the attention of employees, managers, contractors etc. by relevant means.


Dyddiad cyhoeddi: 08/05/2017

Dyddiad y penderfyniad: 19/01/2017

Penderfynwyd yn y Cyfarfod: 19/01/2017 - Cabinet

Effeithiol O: 01/02/2017

Dogfennau Cefnogol: