Manylion y penderfyniad


Y sawl sy'n gwneud penderfyniad: Director of Housing, Communities & Customer Services

Statws: Argymhellion Cymeradwy

Is KeyPenderfyniad?: Ydy

yn amodol ar gael ei alw i mewn?: Ydy


Appendix 1 to this report is exempt from publication as it contains information pursuant to Paragraph 16 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972


AGREED: thata variation to an existing contract awarded to Cenergist for communal boiler upgrades, to replace the communal boiler at Brentwood Court be approved


Rhesymau dros y penderfyniad:

Cenergist are currently upgrading communal boilers and this decision would provide value for money as there would be no additional on costs and this would mean the additional work could be completed as part of a continuous programme thus maintaining quality with experienced labour. They are also the ranked number 1 provider for such works under the Procurement for Housing [PFH] Framework (our route to market for such procurements).


Dyddiad cyhoeddi: 17/07/2017

Dyddiad y penderfyniad: 11/07/2017

Effeithiol O: 27/07/2017