Councillor Bethan Proctor

Profile image for Councillor Bethan Proctor

Party: Welsh Labour / Llafur Cymru

Ward: Llanishen

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

Llanishen Hub, 11 Station Road, Llanishen, Cardiff, CF14 5LS

Surgeries held on the first Saturday of every month between 10.00am and 11.30am
Surgeries held on the third Wednesday of every month between 2.00pm and 3.30 pm

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Members Services
Room 286
County Hall, Atlantic Wharf
CF10 4UW

Bus. phone:  029 20872020


Mobile:  07977 395643

Download Councillor Bethan Proctor contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 09/05/2022 - 09/05/2027

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information
