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Appointments Committee
Appointments Committee - Assistant Director, Adult Services
Appointments Committee - Assistant Director, Children's Services
Appointments Committee - Assistant Director, County Estates
Appointments Committee - Assistant Director, Development and Regeneration
Appointments Committee - Assistant Director, Education & Lifelong Learning
Appointments Committee - Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion
Appointments Committee - Assistant Director, Housing & Communities
Appointments Committee - Chief Human Resources Officer
Appointments Committee - Corporate Director Resources
Appointments Committee - Director Governance and Legal Services and Monitoring Officer
Appointments Committee - Director Education & Lifelong Learning
Appointments Committee - Director of Adult Services, Housing & Communities
Appointments Committee - Director of Childrens Services
Appointments Committee - Head of Climate Emergency Response (OM1)
Appointments Committee - Head of Performance & Partnerships
Appointments Committee - Head of Planning
Appointments Committee - Head of Transport
Appointments Committee - Principal Lawyer Litigation
Appointments Committee - Principal Solicitor (Litigation) OM2
Appointments Committee - Programme Director, School Organisation Programme
Appointments Committee - Programme Director, Schools Organisational Planning
Appointments Committee - Recruitment of Glamorgan Archivist
Cabinet (Trustee Maindy Park Trust)
Cardiff Capital Region Cabinet
Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Joint Scrutiny Committee
Cardiff Capital Region Transport Authority
Cardiff Council Constitution
Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
Community & Adult Services Scrutiny Committee
Constitution Committee
Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee
Council Appeals Committee
COVID-19 Scrutiny Panel
Democratic Services Committee
Economy & Culture Scrutiny Committee
Employment Conditions Committee
Environmental Scrutiny Committee
Executive 2004-2012
Glamorgan Archives Joint Committee
Governance and Audit Committee
Joint Scrutiny Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub Committee
Local Authority Governor Panel
Maindy Park Trust Advisory Committee
Pensions Committee
Planning Committee
Policy Review and Performance Scrutiny Committee
Prosiect Gwyrdd Joint Committee
Public Protection Committee
Public Protection Sub Committee
Shared Regulatory Services Joint Committee
Standard and Ethics Sub Committee - Hearings Panel
Standards & Ethics Committee
Wales Pension Partnership Joint Governance Committee
Web Library
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Abdul Sattar, Councillor Waheeda Abdul-Sattar
Ahmed, Councillor Ali Ahmed
Ahmed, Councillor Saleh Ahmed
Ali, Councillor Dilwar Ali
Ash-Edwards, Councillor Mike Ash-Edwards
Berman, Councillor Rodney Berman
Boes, Councillor Claudia Boes
Bowen-Thomson, Councillor Bernie Bowen-Thomson
Bradbury, Councillor Peter Bradbury
Bridgeman, Councillor Lee Bridgeman
Brown-Reckless, Councillor Catriona Brown-Reckless
Burke, Councillor Jennifer Burke
Carr, Councillor Kate Carr
Carter, Councillor Joe Carter
Chowdhury, Councillor Jasmin Chowdhury
Cowan, Councillor Jayne Cowan
Cunnah, Councillor Stephen Cunnah
Davies, Councillor Calum Davies
De'Ath, Councillor Dan De'Ath
Derbyshire, Councillor Bob Derbyshire
Driscoll, Councillor Sean Driscoll
Ebrahim, Councillor Saeed Ebrahim
Elsmore, Councillor Susan Elsmore
Ferguson-Thorne, Councillor Grace Ferguson-Thorne
Gibson, Councillor Andrea Gibson
Goodway, Councillor Russell Goodway
Green, Councillor Jamie Green
Gunter, Councillor Helen Gunter
Henshaw, Councillor Jane Henshaw
Hinchey, Councillor Graham Hinchey
Hopkins, Councillor Robert Hopkins
Humphreys, Councillor Irene Humphreys
Hunt, Councillor Garry Hunt
Jenkins, Councillor Peter Huw Jenkins
Jones, Councillor Jackie Jones
Jones, Councillor Keith Jones
Jones, Councillor Owen Jones
Joyce, Councillor Heather Joyce
Kaaba, Councillor Maliika Kaaba
Lancaster, Councillor John Lancaster
Latif, Councillor Imran Latif
Lay, Councillor Chris Lay
Lent, Councillor Sue Lent
Lewis, Councillor Margaret Lewis
Lister, Councillor Ash Lister
Littlechild, Councillor Peter Littlechild
Livesy, Councillor Rhys Owain Livesy
Lloyd Jones, Councillor Helen Lloyd Jones
Mackie, Councillor Norma Mackie
McEvoy, Councillor Neil McEvoy
McGarry, Councillor Mary McGarry
Melbourne, Councillor Siân-Elin Melbourne
Merry, Councillor Sarah Merry
Michael, Councillor Michael Michael
Molik, Councillor Bablin Molik
Moultrie, Councillor Jess Moultrie
Naughton, Councillor Dan Naughton
Owen, Councillor Oliver Owen
Palmer, Councillor Marc Palmer
Parry, Councillor Jacqueline Parry
Proctor, Councillor Bethan Proctor
Reid-Jones, Councillor Emma Reid-Jones
Robinson, Councillor Sara Robinson
Robson, Councillor Adrian Robson
Sangani, Councillor Julie Sangani
Sattar, Councillor Abdul Sattar
Shimmin, Councillor Jon Shimmin
Simmons, Councillor Elaine Simmons
Singh, Councillor Kanaya Singh
Stubbs, Councillor Ed Stubbs
Taylor, Councillor Rhys Taylor
Thomas, Councillor Huw Thomas
Thomson, Councillor Leonora Thomson
Thorne, Councillor Lynda Thorne
Waldron, Councillor Daniel Waldron
Weaver, Councillor Chris Weaver
Wild, Councillor Caro Wild
Williams, Councillor Joel Williams
Wong, Councillor Peter Wong
Wood, Councillor Ashley Wood
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period