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Decisions published

06/02/2025 - Mini Comp for High Rise Fire Door Replacement Scheme (Fd60) ref: 2281    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Director of Adults Services, Housing & Communities

Decision published: 10/02/2025

Effective from: 20/02/2025


AGREED: thatthe invitation of tenders for high rise fire door replacement from the Contractors appointed to the Council’s Framework for Planned Works to Domestic Properties be authorised.


06/02/2025 - Framework for Repairs & Maintenance to Domestic Vacant Properties ref: 2280    For Determination

Decision Maker: Director of Adults Services, Housing & Communities

Decision published: 10/02/2025

Effective from: 20/02/2025


AGREED: that


  1. the proposed overarching evaluation criteria as detailed in the body of this report be approved.


  1. the commencement of the procurement and the issue of the Contract Notice and documentation be authorised.


27/01/2025 - Pentwyn Leisure Centre - JCT (Contract Award) ref: 2279    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Decision Maker: Director of Economic Development

Decision published: 30/01/2025

Effective from: 11/02/2025



AGREED: that the award ofa works contract (JCT) to Andrew Scott Ltd via Lot 7 of the SEWSCAP Framework to deliver works at Pentwyn Leisure Centre to modernise the pool and other associated works as detailed in the body of the report be authorised. The estimated value of this works contract is £4.9m


22/01/2025 - Great British Insulation Scheme Flexible Eligibility (GBIS Flex) ref: 2278    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Director of Planning, Transport & Environment

Decision published: 30/01/2025

Effective from: 11/02/2025


AGREED: that


  1. the amendments to the ECO Local Authority Flexible Eligibility (ECO LA Flex) Statement of Intent (SOI) be approved,


  1. publication of the amended SOI be approved, and


  1. the Memorandum of Understanding be amended and re-entered into with EON, in order to participate in the Great British Insulation Scheme LA Flex alongside ECO LA Flex, in line with Ofgem guidance.


23/01/2025 - Cathays High School Update ref: 2274    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 06/02/2025




1)    The update on the Cathays High School proposals be noted.


2)    Authority be delegated to the Director of Economic Development, in consultation with the Director of Education & Lifelong Learning, the Director of Governance & Legal Services and Corporate Director Resources, Cabinet Member for Education and Cabinet Member for Investment & Development, to pursue discussions with the UK Government Property Agency to conclude an agreement on the acquisition of land to support the expansion and modernisation of Cathays High School.


3)    Authority be delegated to the Director of Education & Lifelong Learning and Corporate Director Resources, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Education, to develop the financial strategy that supports the delivery of priorities outlined in the Council’s Education Investment Strategy, including delivery of the expansion and modernisation of Cathays High School.


4)    A further report be received providing an update on progress and outlining any further consequential considerations.

23/01/2025 - Lansdowne Primary School: Relocation and Procurement of Contractor for Construction ref: 2273    Recommmend Forward to Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 06/02/2025


Appendix 2 of this report is exempt from publication on the basis that it contains information of the description set out in paragraphs 14 and 21 of Part 4 of schedule 12 A of the Local Government Act 1972 and in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


Appendix 4 of this report is exempt from publication on the basis that it contains information of the description set out in paragraph 16 of schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.




1)            Funds be authorised for the main contract required to address the accommodation requirements for the Lansdowne Primary School as referred to in Appendix 2.


2)            Authority be delegated to the Director of Education & Lifelong Learning (in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Education, Employment & Skills and Finance, Modernisation & Performance, the Director of Governance and Legal Services, the Director of Economic Development and the Corporate Director for Resources) to determine all aspects of the procurement process (including for the avoidance of doubt development of all procurement documentation and selection and award criteria, commencement of procurement through to award of contracts) matters arising from this report.


3)            The revenue and capital implications arising from the transfer of Lansdowne Primary School to the former Fitzalan High School site be noted.


23/01/2025 - International Sports Village Development ref: 2277    Recommendations Approved

To present an update on the ISV project including progress with the planning applications, plans for car parking arrangements, and proposals for the former Toys R Us site (Retail 3).


To present the outcome of market engagement for the Energy Strategy for the site and a proposed procurement route.


To provide an updated on the boardwalk.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 06/02/2025


Appendices 2, 3 and 5 of this report are not for publication as they contain exempt information of the description contained in paragraphs 14, 16 and 21 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.




1)    The disposal of the former Toys R Us/Retail 3 site by way of option as set out in this report and in line with the Heads of Terms set out in Confidential Appendix 2 be approved and authority be delegated to the Director of Economic Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Investment & Development, the Section 151 Officer and the Legal Officer, to deal with any ancillary matters related to the disposal.


2)    The plans for alternative short-term parking arrangements as illustrated at Appendix 4be noted.


3)    Engagement with local residents/landowners be authorised to consider the future options for the areas of boardwalk not in Council ownership and report back to a future meeting of Cabinet.


23/01/2025 - Cardiff Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) 2021 to 2036 Deposit Plan. ref: 2272    Recommmend Forward to Council

The Council commenced preparation of the RLDP in March 2021. Consultation to date has been undertaken on the Vision, Issues and Objectives for the plan, Strategic Growth and Spatial Options and the Preferred Strategy. The comments received during these consultations together with the findings of evidence base studies and assessments have been considered and have informed the preparation of the Deposit Plan or “Full” plan which is the next stage of consultation on the RLDP.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 06/02/2025




  1. The Replacement Local Development Plan Deposit Plan (as set out in Appendix 1) be approved for consultation purposes and be forwarded to Council for consideration.


  1. The revised timetable for preparation of the Replacement Local Development Plan as set out in this report be approved and it be agreed that it be forwarded to Council for their consideration and agreement so it can be formally submitted to Welsh Government.


23/01/2025 - Corporate Property Strategy 2025-30 ref: 2275    Recommendations Approved

The Council owns a large land and property estate for the purposes of delivering or supporting the delivery of Council objectives. The estate comprises over 300 operational properties, such as schools, venues, depots, offices and sports facilities, which are used to deliver or support the delivery of Council services.  This report seeks approval for the Corproate Property Strategy 2025-30

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 06/02/2025


RESOLVED: that the Corporate Property Strategy 2025-30 and the associated performance targets to be achieved over the 5 year period be approved.


23/01/2025 - New House Farm - Freehold Disposal of Part of Site and Appropriation to Bereavement Service of remaining site to enable future crematorium expansion ref: 2276    For Determination

Decision Maker: Director of Economic Development

Decision published: 23/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


Appendix 2, 3 and 4 of the report are not for publication as they contain exempt information of the description in paragraph 14 of Part 4 and paragraph 21 of Part 5 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


AGREED: that


1.    the Council dispose of the freehold interest in part of the site shown edged red on the plan annexed at Appendix 5 on the terms outlined at Confidential Appendix 3 and reinvest the sale proceeds into the Investment Fund.


2.    Part of the site coloured pink on the plan annexed at Appendix 1 be appropriated to the Bereavement Services, to enable it to plan future required expansion of the crematorium.