Issue - decisions

School Organisation Proposals: Improving specialist provision for children and young people with additional learning needs 2018-19

06/07/2018 - School Organisation Proposals: Improving specialist provision for children and young people with additional learning needs 2018-19



1.            the proposals as set out in paragraph 2 of the report be approved without modification.


2.            Subject to approval by the Welsh Government, the proposal to extend the age range of Greenhill from 11-16 to 11-19 be approved (This change requires determination by Welsh Ministers)


3.            Subject to approval by the Governing Body St Mary the Virgin CiW Primary School, the inclusion of SRB accommodation in the Band B scheme for a new build St Mary the Virgin CiW Primary School be approved.


4.            Officers be authorised to take the appropriate actions to implement the proposals as set out in paragraph 2 of the report


5.            Officers be authorised to publish the decision within 7 days of determination of the proposal.


6.            the approval of any necessary contracts be delegated to the Director of Education and Lifelong Learning in consultation with the Corporate Director Resources & Section 151 Officer, Director of Legal Services and the Cabinet Members for Finance, Modernidation & Performance and Education & Skills.