Eitem Agenda

Trefniadau'r Uwch Dîm Rheoli




1.       the proposed remodelling of the Senior Management Team be approved on a provisional basis subject to the outcome of the consultation process.


2.       a consultation period on the proposed model be approved to commence immediately following cabinet approval.


3.       a further report be received in November which will provide confirmation of the model proposed and the process for change taking account of issues raised during the consultation process.


4.       authority be delegated to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Members to realign managers and support staff to the remodelled structure.



During consideration of this item, SeniorWrth ystyried yr eitem hon, nid oedd Uwch Swyddogion (ac eithrio’r Prif Weithredwr) yn bresennol


Derbyniodd y Cabinet adroddiad yn amlinellu cynigion ar gyfer ymgynghoriad ar y strwythur uwch-reoli diwygiedig a oedd yn unol â blaenoriaethau’r Weinyddiaeth fel y’u hamlinellwyd yn Uchelgais Prifddinas. Roedd y model newydd yn cynnwys swydd ar lefel Cyfarwyddwr Corfforaethol a fyddai'n goruchwylio'r gwaith o integreiddio'r strategaethau tai, gofal cymdeithasol ac iechyd ac yn mynd i’r afael â chyflenwi gwasanaethau a’r heriau ariannol a wynebir gan ddinas sy’n tyfu. Cynigiwyd swydd Prif Swyddog Digidol hefyd i sicrhau bod yr agenda digidol yn cael ei arwain ar lefel uwch. Y bwriad oedd y byddai’r newidiadau i’r strwythur uwch-reoli yn niwtral o ran cost.




1.         y câi'r gwaith arfaethedig o ailfodelu’r Uwch Dîm Rheoli ei gymeradwyo dros dro yn amodol ar ganlyniad y broses ymgynghori.


2.         y câi cyfnod ymgynghori ar y model arfaethedig ei gymeradwyo i gychwyn yn syth ar ôl cymeradwyaeth gan y cabinet.


3.         y câi adroddiad arall ei gyflwyno ym mis Tachwedd a fydd yn rhoi cadarnhad o'r model a gynigir a’r broses ar gyfer newid gan ystyried materion a godwyd yn ystod y broses ymgynghori.


4.         y câi awdurdod ei ddirprwyo i Bennaeth y Gwasanaeth Cyflogedig mewn ymgynghoriad â'r Arweinydd a'r Aelodau Cabinet i adlinio rheolwyr a staff cymorth â'r strwythur wedi'i ailfodelu.



 Officers (with the exception of the Chief Executive) were not present.


The Cabinet received a report outlining proposals for consultation on an amended senior management structure which was in line with the Administration’s priorities as outlined in Capital Ambition. The new model included a role at Corporate Director level which would oversee the integration of housing, social care and health strategies and address the service delivery and financial challenges of a growing city. A Chief Digital Officer was also proposed to ensure senior level leadership of the digital agenda. It was intended that the changes to the senior management structure would be cost neutral.




1.       the proposed remodelling of the Senior Management Team be approved on a provisional basis subject to the outcome of the consultation process.


2.       a consultation period on the proposed model be approved to commence immediately following cabinet approval.


3.       a further report be received in November which will provide confirmation of the model proposed and the process for change taking account of issues raised during the consultation process.


4.       authority be delegated to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Members to realign managers and support staff to the remodelled structure.


Dogfennau ategol: