Agenda item

Children's Services Quarter 3 Performance

To enable Members to review and assess the performance of Children’s Services.


The Chairperson advised that this report provides Committee with the performance information for the third quarter of 2019/20. Members may wish to question the Cabinet Member and officers on the performance, as well as the management actions to tackle any areas of poor performance.


The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Graham Hinchey, Cabinet Member for Children and Families, to the meeting, and invited him to make a statement.   Cllr Hinchey stated that he was please to introduce the report, noting that there had been improvements in a number of areas especially timeliness in child protection conferences and wellbeing assessments.  Members’ attention was drawn to the increased number of Children Looked After being placed in Cardiff and a lower number of child protection registers issued to court.  Pressures were outlined as staffing and placements.


The Chairperson welcomed, Claire Marchant, Director for Social Services and Deborah Driffield, Interim Assistant Director, Children’s Services to present the performance report.


The Chairperson invited questions and comments from Members;


Members asked for the reasons behind placements in Swansea as this was beyond the 20miles.  Officers explained it was cheaper property and there are regional providers based there; it was a significant id due for LA’s and safeguarding our children.


Members asked why private foster companies do so well and officers advised that they operate as a business, they are commercially competent, good at marketing etc.  Fostering has not been a LA core business until recently and LA’s need to be competitive with the private sector.


Members referred to KPI’s dropping in August and September and this was explained as the school year and the drop of referrals in; there is an increase in numbers at the end of July.


Members discussed costs, and the differential costs of inhouse/external residential, and whether there was sufficient differentials there to manage it more as a business plan going forward.  Officers said it was more about quality and outcomes for residentials, rather than costs. Officers explained the Community Strategy Approach adopted last November and the lead in time; purchasing properties; planning; staff; multi-agency; detailed assessment of young persons need – all on track for the assessment unit in the Autumn, which would help with step-down and less in residential care.


Members asked further on what could be done to be more competitive.  Officers explained they are doing more now than previously, including; Increased fees; strong marketing campaign; use of social media and people in the community etc.  There were now more foster carers coming through the assessment and these were being matched with specific young people.


Members sought further information on costs such as whether operational costs are also factored in.  Officers agreed to provide this information after the meeting.


Members considered further performance data would be useful and were concerned about the vacancy levels and what could be done to address this.  Officers explained they were happy to share performance data for agency and permanent staff.  They considered that increased payments would be needed to address the vacancy issue.  Officers would welcome further scrutiny on this as it has been an issue for years across the UK, a Task and Finish to establish best practice would be useful.  The Cabinet Members added that it was important to attract young people into the sector.


Members asked why exit interviews aren’t being conducted.  Officers said that lots of people don’t want to tell you why they are leaving but they are looking at peer interviews.


AGREED – That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations discussed during the Way Forward.

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