Agenda item

Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Regional Safeguarding Board Annual Report -2018-2019

To undertake a review and assessment of the work undertaken as set out in the annual report.



Members were advised that this report provided the Committee with the opportunity to review and assess the work of the Regional Safeguarding Board for last year. The report covers the safeguarding of both Adults and Children, Members were therefore reminded that Committee can only scrutinise issues relating to Children & Young People.


The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Chris Weaver, Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation & Performance, Claire Marchant, Director of Social Services and Kate Bishop, Business manager for the Board and asked them to present the Board’s Annual Report to Committee.


The Chairperson invited questions and comments from Members;


Members referred to the Prevent agenda and concerns over how this was being taken forward.  Members asked what work was being done with faith communities to ensure it is being taken forward appropriately.  Officers explained that they deliver training to all the Mosques in Cardiff and the Vale.  They developed a policy for Mosques and other Islamic settings in 2017; this was now being developed for other faith groups.  Prevent had been on the Safeguarding Board meeting agenda, each individual agency then took it forward; there was more work to be done but close links had been built to base it on for 2019/20.  The Director stated that there had been good work done to date on understanding all communities across Cardiff, and to work with them developing their own policies.  Prevent has its own specific legislation and goes into more detail than general safeguarding, specific to the groups.


Members made reference to Threshold Management being ongoing and Female Genital Mutilation Task and Finish Group and asked how these are analysed for effectiveness.  The Director explained that they track the impact of the work they are doing; audits are undertaken; policy implications etc. all looked at together by the Board, working in partnership with our own communities.  Members noted the previous task and finish on FGM and considered it may be useful to share this with officers.


In relation to Child Protection Reviews, Members asked how the cases were decided upon, noting that only 5 had been completed; asking if there was a process for Members to feed into the cases that are reviewed and how the reviews feed into practitioners on the ground through feedback etc.  Officers explained that there are specific criteria to meet to carry out CP Reviews, this criteria is on the website and available from the referral forum too.  Cases then go to the CP Review/APR sub group, who decide if it meets the criteria, if so it is recommended to the Co-Chairs of the Board, if they agree then the process starts onto Welsh Government.  It is a lengthy process.  The Director stated that the whole ethos is about learning, investing in learning events and looking at learning and outcomes, ensuring that recommendations are reflected to practitioners; to inform policy practice, procedures, audits etc.  The Business Unit and CPR/APR sub group keep all the recommendations them disseminate to the board members and practitioners so the information is fed back to the board.


Members referred to the Children’s Audit Sub Group, noting that only 1 in 4 priorities had been met, 1 taken forward to next year and 2 have failed.  Members asked if the focus had been on too many things and priorities had slipped and what was being done next year to address this.  Officers explained that the Board looked at Sub-groups to ensure they work as they should and that their priorities fall out of the annual plans and recommendation of the CPR’s.  There needs to be streamlined work plans going forward.  The Director added that it’s about effectiveness, strengthening the sub-group chair arrangements; the chair should be from the Regional Safeguarding Board and fully understanding the priorities across the Board.


Members asked if there was any evidence of Local Authorities in Wales using unregistered Children’s Homes, as reported in the media.  The Director stated that this was referring to supported living accommodation being used and that Cardiff regularly uses supported living when it’s in the care plan; it would be safeguarded and regularly reviewed.  There have been occasions when it’s not possible to meet a care plan for a very short time and safeguards can be put in place until this can be achieved.  Members asked if the RSB would look at this and were advised that it is a priority of the RSB.


AGREED – That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations discussed during the Way Forward.


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