
ModernGov Councillors and Meetings

Agenda item

Children's Services Quarter 4 Performance Report


Councillor Graham Hinchey, Cabinet Member – Children & Families, will be invited to make a statement. He, along with Sarah McGill, Corporate Director People and Communities, and Irfan Alam, Assistant Director – Children’s Services will be available to answer Members’ questions;



Questions by members of the Committee;



The way forward for this item will be considered at the end of the Children’s Services items.




The Chairperson welcomed Councillor Graham Hinchey (Cabinet Member – Children & Families), Sarah McGill (Corporate Director, People and Communities) and Irfan Alam (Assistant Director, Children’s Services) to the meeting and to present the report.

The Chairperson invited Councillor Hinchey to make a statement in which he explained that officers from Children’s Services were working to develop a more simplified version of the performance report which meets the needs of Members and enables officers to easily provide the necessary information.  He welcomed the Committee’s proposal to have a performance panel.


The Corporate Director, People and Communities gave a presentation which provided Members with an outline of the new approach to performance management.  She stressed her wish to improve the performance reports and recognised the need for the Committee to receive additional information to fully understand issues in Children’s Services.


Members were invited to comment, seek clarification, or raise questions on the information received. Those discussions are summarised as follows:



Members were advised that 15 looked after children were returned to Cardiff during the year, and that there was one further young person to be returned.  To ensure that children either remain in Cardiff or are being returned to Cardiff the Task and Finish Inquiry Report detailed a number of actions which are to be considered by Cabinet.  It is important that, as far as possible, the family environment is replicated in children’s homes.  It is important that when consideration is being given to returning a child to Cardiff that as much detail is obtained as possible to ensure that the right choice is made for the child. 



Members queried why 68% of referrals from the Police to the MASH were just for information and/or required no further action. The Assistant Director advised that the Police are sharing intelligence regularly and they feel that they have a duty to inform the MASH of all cases.  Members were advised that the referral being recorded as no further action means that it did not meet the threshold, although it does not mean that there are not other services which could be of help for example help with parenting skills and money advice.



Members asked for clarification on how well the MASH was working and were advised that the feedback from all partners is excellent, in particular the ability to have open discussions.  Referrals are increasing but that was expected, information as to whether cases are being referred to other providers would be of benefit when considering the figures. 



Members expressed concern about educational provision for those looked after children who are placed out of county.   The Cabinet Member indicated that he has had discussions with colleagues from other authorities with a view to having reciprocal arrangements.



Members asked about the recruitment strategy being developed for social workers and were advised that it needed to be broad strategy.  The Assistant Director indicted that there are difficulties in recruiting to Child Protection Roles, although that was not only a problem in this area but across the whole country.  Members were assured that recruitment continues to be a priority. 



Members noted that of 102 looked after children 93 are cared for by in-house foster carers.  Payments to foster carers are the same whether they are independent or local authority carers.  It is important to ensure that interest in becoming a foster carer is quickly translated into becoming a foster carer, if suitable and that it is important that the authority focusses its attention of marketing, assessment and the support of foster carers. Work is underway to look at the support that will make a difference to foster carers. The Corporate Director explained it was important to monitor the conversion rate from foster enquiries to foster carers and to monitor the shift towards in-house foster carers.



Members expressed concern about the level of homelessness in care leavers and were advised that the figures provided are not accurate; currently the manner in which the figures are produced identifies care leavers who are in living in temporary accommodation as classed as being homeless. 


AGREED – That the Chairperson writes to the Cabinet Member on behalf of the Committee expressing their comments and observations discussed during the Way Forward.

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