Venue: CR 4, County Hall - Multi Location Meeting. View directions
Contact: Claire Deguara
No. | Item |
Settlement of Landfill Tax Dispute PDF 200 KB Additional documents:
Decision: Appendices A, B and D are exempt from publication because they contain information of the kind described in paragraphs 14 and 21 of parts 4 and 5 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
RESOLVED: that Council be recommended to -
i. Note the agreement reached in principle and ratify the decision to complete the formal settlement agreement with HMRC ii. Agree that conclusion of the final terms of an Agreement is delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, Monitoring Officer, Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Modernisation and Performance. iii. Note the Capitalisation Direction agreed and now available to support the financial strategy to fund the liability subject to Council agreement. iv. Agree to amend the 2024/25 budget in accordance with budget policy framework to align with the agreed financial strategy in relation to this issue. v. Agree to the inclusion within the Council’s Capital Strategy and program this expenditure in for 2024/25. vi. Agree the necessary changes to the Revenue Budget for the Medium Term reflecting the impact on Capital financing for future years in accordance with the Capital Direction (to be reflected as appropriate in future Budget Monitoring reports for 2024/25). vii. Agree to incorporate all medium-term Capital and Revenue implications within the amended Medium Term Financial Plan and Capital Strategy as part of the next annual Budget update through Council in February / March 2025. viii. Note that the Council will pursue all options available to pursue the Landfill tax debt outstanding. |
Increasing accommodation to help meet the demands of The Housing Emergency. PDF 203 KB Additional documents:
Appendices B, C, D, E F & G of this report are exempt from publication pursuant to Paragraphs 14, 16, and 21 of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.
1. the ongoing Housing Emergency and the new demands that will add further pressures to homelessness services and temporary accommodation be noted.
2. the acquisition of the properties identified in the confidential Appendix B be approved and authority be delegated to the Corporate Director - People and Communities in consultation with the S151 Officer, Legal services and the Cabinet members for Housing and Communities and Finance, Modernisation and Performance for all matters arising from the acquisitions and to authorise exchange of contracts and completion of those properties in accordance with the Heads of Terms annexed to this report subject to:
a. Approval of appropriate grant funding being secured from Welsh Government b. Confirmation of a suitable financial viability assessment for each purchase c. Confirmation that the decision does not result in commitments outside the budget framework. d. Receipt of updated/formal valuation confirming the value contained in confidential Appendix E & F
3. authority be delegated to the Corporate Director People & Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing & Communities, to consider responses to the recent Homelessness Consultation and to implement any consequential policy changes as appropriate and within existing budgets. |