Decision details

Channel View Regeneration Project - Contract Award

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of People and Communities

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are not for publication as they contain information of the kind described in paragraphs 14 & 21 of schedule 12A, Parts 4 & 5 of the Local Government Act 1972.


AGREED: that


  1. a JCT Design & Build contract be entered with Wates for Block B of phase 1 of the Channel View regeneration project for the contract sum identified in confidential appendix A and C


  1. Concurrently a JCT Minor works contract be entered with Wates for enabling works for Block A for the sum also identified in confidential appendix A and D


  1. Furthermore, to enter into a PCSA contract with Wates to progress phases 2-6 and submit a reserve matters planning application as detailed in Appendix E


Reasons for the decision:

Cardiff Council entered an Umbrella Agreement with Wates Residential in February 2024. Since then, Cardiff Council has entered into a Pre-Contract Service Agreements (PCSA) on both Blocks in phase 1 and a JCT for an Enabling package of works. The PCSA for block B has now concluded and Wates have provided a Contract sum following a detailed design process. The Enabling package is due to conclude shortly so the JCT for Block B is now required to ensure there is no gap in construction on site.


  1. Block B is a 24 unit Independent Living scheme. The project will be delivered through the Council’s new council house building programme and will help achieve its new build delivery targets.


  1. A JCT minor works contract is required on Block A for Early Groundworks to run concurrently with Block B, this approach with reduce the overall programme and be more cost effective.


  1. Phases 2-6 currently only has an Outline Planning approval and to ensure the whole regeneration programme can be delivered effectively and without gaps between phases, a full Reserve Matters application now needs to be submitted. To achieve this Wates and the design team need to be appointed.


Publication date: 04/12/2024

Date of decision: 26/11/2024

Effeithiol O: 14/12/2024