Decision details

Commissioning of the replacement Frameworks for Maintenance of Council Properties and for Disabled Adaptations

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The first of the current frameworks delivering Building Maintenance Services for Council properties have been in place since January 2022 and are due to expire 31st December 2025. The remaining building maintenance frameworks have varying end dates from March 2026 to February 2027.


The first of the current frameworks delivering Domestic Disabled Adaptations has been in place since 1st January 2022 and is due to end 31st December 2025. The remaining frameworks have varying end dates from April to June 2026. 


The report will set out proposals for recommissioning of all of these frameworks based on the learning from the operation of the previous frameworks.





1.      the commissioning strategy and proposed procurement models (including but not limited to the high-level evaluation criteria) as set out in the report relating to Building Maintenance for Domestic Properties and Disabled Adaptations be approved.


2.      authority be delegated to the Director, Adults, Housing and Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Member, Housing and Communities, Corporate Director Resources and Director of Governance and Legal Services, to deal with all aspects of the procurements relating to Building Maintenance for Domestic Properties and Disabled Adaptations, including but not limited to further development of framework models and setting of the detailed contract evaluation criteria and the award of contracts.

Publication date: 18/10/2024

Date of decision: 17/10/2024

Decided at meeting: 17/10/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 30/10/2024

Accompanying Documents: