Manylion y penderfyniad

Trefniadau Uwch Reolwyr

Y sawl sy'n gwneud penderfyniad: Cabinet

Statws: Argymhellion Cymeradwy

Is KeyPenderfyniad?: Ydy

yn amodol ar gael ei alw i mewn?: Ydy


To seek Cabinet approval to proceed to consultation an amended senior management structure




1.       the proposed remodelling of the Senior Management Team be approved on a provisional basis subject to the outcome of the consultation process.


2.       a consultation period on the proposed model be approved to commence immediately following cabinet approval.


3.       a further report be received in November which will provide confirmation of the model proposed and the process for change taking account of issues raised during the consultation process.


4.       authority be delegated to the Head of Paid Service in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Members to realign managers and support staff to the remodelled structure.


Rhesymau eraill / sefydliadau a ymgynghorwyd

Report seeks authorisation to consult

Dyddiad cyhoeddi: 22/09/2017

Dyddiad y penderfyniad: 21/09/2017

Penderfynwyd yn y Cyfarfod: 21/09/2017 - Cabinet

Effeithiol O: 04/10/2017

Dogfennau Cefnogol: