Issue details

Suspending the Right to Buy

The Housing (Wales) Measure 2011 enables local housing authorities to apply to the Welsh Government for a direction to suspend the Right to Buy/Acquire in areas of housing pressure for a period of up to five years. Cardiff has significant housing need with over 10,000 households on the waiting list and a shortage of new properties being built. 


Applications to purchase council properties under the Right to Buy have been increasing and over the past 2 years the council has received 153 applications with 37 properties being purchased.


Welsh Ministers have announced that they will be bringing forward primary legislation to remove the Right to Buy/Acquire next year however following that there will be a notice period of up to 2 years to allow tenants to purchase if they wish. This will encourage more people to apply to purchase their council properties depleting the social housing stock even further.


The report is proposing that Cardiff submits an application to the Welsh Minister for a direction to suspend the Right to Buy/Acquire across Cardiff.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/10/2016

Decision due: 10 Nov 2016 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Health, Housing & Wellbeing

Lead director: Director of Housing, Communities & Customer Services

Consultation process

As part of the Application process consultation will need to be undertaken with a range of stakeholders. This includes council tenants, RSLs and their tenants, other surrounding Local Authorities and any other interested parties.


Scrutiny Consideration: AMBER


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