Agenda item

Shared Regulatory Services - Review of Joint Working Agreement




1.            the proposed changes to the Joint Working Agreement between the partner councils for the provision of Regulatory Services be approved and recommended to Council for approval


2.            the Senior Responsible Officer for the Shared Regulatory Service be authorised to approve administrative changes to the Joint Working Agreement as long as there are no extension of delegations to the Shared Service or additional financial implications.



A report recommending changes to the Joint Working Agreement between the partner councils for the provision of Regulatory Services was considered.




1.            the proposed changes to the Joint Working Agreement between the partner councils for the provision of Regulatory Services be approved and recommended to Council for approval


2.            the Senior Responsible Officer for the Shared Regulatory Service be authorised to approve administrative changes to the Joint Working Agreement as long as there are no extension of delegations to the Shared Service or additional financial implications.


Supporting documents: